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(lemme be emotional for a sec)

thank you for teaching me strength in its purest form: the ability to be vulnerable by showing the world who you truly are inside and being proud of it. i always felt like you needed more of a story in the movie, so i added a little to my book.

thank you for inspiring me to practice creativity every chance i get. it's everywhere, in all shapes and forms. and as an artist, it truly means a lot.

we are not our parents, in fact we are not anyone but ourselves. we are not defined by our backgrounds, or whatever people throw at us. thank you for bringing this message into descendants. it is one of the most beautiful.

your growth amazes me. years ago you were only known as the disney channel kid, now you are a woman. i see the transition in your new music and i am so infinitely proud of the things you have accomplished. i love that you're not letting your disney past stop you from truly expressing your thoughts and beliefs. thank you for being someone i look up to. sometimes you'd just post something deep on insta and you'd already have me thinking for the rest of the day. your talent and the way you see the world is incredible.

the ultimate example of independence. your growth throughout the films has been one of the most apparent and important. a girl doesn't need a prince to be a princess. phrases like you run like a girl are too common. women are strong willed and determined. woman are not anything less than men. evie, you are the prime example.

thank you for carrying evie's message. thank you for saying "there is no stronger force in this world than an empowered and educated woman". this statement has been stuck in my brain ever since. thank you for your song "back to beautiful". thank you for using your voice for people who don't have one, while still carrying grace in everything you do.

my story is similar to yours, therefore i feel the most connected to you out of the VKs. it's difficult to speak up against someone who has put you down for years. it's scary, sometimes petrifying. thank you for being brave, and most importantly thank you for staying good and kind even after all of the traumatic things that had happened to you. it takes a lot of heart.

i keep writing and rewriting this. you are someone i will always idolize for the rest of my life. someone i want my kids to look up to. truth is, there will never be enough words to fully pay tribute to you. "rest in peace" isn't enough. in fact, hearing those three words rips me up. you were good. and though it sounds simple, i know how hard it can be to simply "be good" in a world like this. you had the strongest mindset. you never let anyone change you. you were happy and you were other people's happiness. you were- as i believe Dove had said- magnanimous. and i think that's the perfect word to describe your light. i've never cried over a celebrity before until i found out about your passing. maybe because you were different. you were willing to volunteer, to spread kindness into the world. i want to live by that. it's cruel, and it's wrong that you are taken away. i am not a stranger to the loss of a loved one- i don't think any one of us are. thank you for being passionate about ending gun violence, removing labels, putting an end to the water crisis and promoting creative outlets to young people. our world needs that. your legacy will live on. it is too precious and too important to die. i love you, cam, though i've never met you. your existence is just too hard not to love. and i will forever be thankful to have lived in the same decade as you.
this book's for you, cam.

"what you leave should be bigger than you."
i will live by this for the rest of my life.

thank you for embracing diversity. for making me laugh, cry, fangirl, and rethink life all at once. thank you for all the hearts you have moved, and all the hearts you will continue to move.

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