Silence is Cold

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I laid in my bed under my covers. The check was in my dresser drawer. Suddenly, Adrian walked into my doorway. He placed a bag of McDonald's beside me. "I bought it with the 300k Mr. Malik gave us." He chuckled, then sitting down on my bed. "Marina, I know you're bummed out but this can't ruin your day. You could just cash out th-" I sat up in my bed, grabbing the McDonald's hamburger and taking a bite out of it, throwing the sandwich back into the bag angrily. "I'm not going to cash the check, Adrian! God, why can't you get this through your thick skull?!" I yelled, breathing heavily. Tears slowly ran down my eyes. I then hugged him tight, "We need to figure out what's going on. Please, just stay calm." Adrian said in a calm voice, taking me off of his shoulder and looking at me. "Stay strong, also please eat the McDonald's Big Mac, I accidentally got a second one and you looked hungry." He patted me on my shoulder and left the room, closing the door afterwards.

I looked up at my seeking fan, then out the window that was by my bed. I then got a call from Rani. "Rina! I need help." Rani said in a scared voice. "What is it?" I ask in a scared voice as well. "I got a paper cut on the check a-and I'm starting to feel light headed. I'm not losing blood or anything but–" Rani ended her sentence as she dropped to the floor, her thumb on the phone.

"Rani? Rani?! Rani can you hear me?!" I asked, panicking. I put on some sandals and ran to Rani's house, knocking on the door. Luckily, her father was home and he didn't mind her skipping school since she was sick anyway. "Mr. Lincoln, is she okay? I was talking to her on the phone and she just collapsed!" I asked frantically. "It's okay, Marina. I called the nearby hospital. They'll be here in about three to four minutes." Mr. Lincolin smiled, he was a nice man.

He doesn't deserve this to happen to his only  child. I sat by Rani's body, feeling her heart. It was beating, slowly. The tears came back again, the faucet in my eyes was running. I scooted away from her and stated to silently and lightly cry. My best friend, I don't have anyone left besides Adrian and Persephone. What was in the check to even cause her to pass out anyway. As the sirens get closer, I saw two men and two women come in with a stretcher. They carefully lifted Rani onto it, rolling her out.

Persephone walked up to the porch, trying to avoid the stretcher to get in. She opened the front door to see me sitting on the floor. "Rina, what happened?" She asked, sitting down with me. "It's Rani. She passed out." I added, looking at her. "Mr. Lincoln, can we carpool with you to the hospital?" Persephone said with a smile. "Sure. I'll stop to buy some flowers on the way there." He said, we followed him into his garage and off we drove to the hospital.

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