Silence is A Killer Fight

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I looked infront of me, the files in my right hand. There was a photo of one of the experiments. Tears ran down my eyes, starting to back up slowly and stumbled onto the ground. The creature inching closer to me. Suddenly, my wings busted out of my back. I was confused, yet it was a great time to be there. I reached into my left wing and grabbed my electi scythe. I got off the ground, my legs shivering. The creature roared, a small quiet human voice coming from it.

"You're disgusting..I can't believe they did this to you!" I yelled at the creature. It was 40 times the size of me, the creature slammed it hands down on the ground where I was standing, I flew back, my wings starting to flap so I wouldn't crash into any walls. Adrian, Rani, and Persephone started to hear the screaming and roaring, so they went with me. "Get your weapons ready, guys. We have stuff to do." I said, squinting my eyes. I then quickly flew towards the creature, slashing my scythe into its grey scale-like skin. The creature grabbed my wing, along with my body too.

I screamed and kicked, using all my might to try and escape. Persephone was behind Adrian and Rani. She then spoke up, running towards the being. It then suddenly got quiet, besides the creatures noises. "Leave my girlfriend alone you bastard!" She yelled, her wings sprouting out of her back. She charged towards them with her trident in both hands. Amounts of water splashed from the trident and into the creatures eyes. The creature screamed, I could almost hear a human voice. "Please! STOP." The small human voice shrieked. Persephone then stabbed its hand, dropping me out of it.

I landed onto the concrete floor, my wings breaking my fall. Adrian and Rani nodded at Eachother. Rani Pulled our her bow, it was decorated with her wing colors and small gold accessories. She then started firing at 13 arrows per second, taking a huge hit out of the being. Adrian pulled out the sword he was gifted, flying at the creature. He sliced a small amount of the skin off. The two of us continued to slash the creatures skin, as large chunks and pieces fell off, it screamed. Light started to shine through the small slashed parts and the room began to glow, a loud explosion sound game from the being, and a small human boy laid on the ground. He lifted up his head, when he saw us he screamed.

He was terrified not knowing what happened before. "Who are you people? Why am I.." He asked, scooting farther from us on the floor. Rani walked over to us, placing her bow down and her wings retracted into her back. "We're sorry for scaring you. You' the basement of our school. Silvercreek High." She said, almost placing her hand on his shoulder. "I'm what?! I'm so sorry! I don't even know how I got here! I just want to go home, that's all!!" He yelled, tears running down his face. Rani looked around the room, she saw a locked door. It has experimenting tools on the counter and a small teddy bear. She used the key to unlock the door which actually worked.

She grabbed the bear and brought it back to the child. "Here you go. We'll take you home, we promise. We aren't here to experiment on you o-" Rani stopped her train of thought. "Rani! You shouldn't tell a 9 year old kid he won't get experimented on!" Adrian yelled. The kid sniffled. "I-I'm 10.." "Oh. We carry on." Adrian added. Rani looked at him with a stern look. They started talking about where to get him home or that he could just stay with us at our house. Persephone walked over to my body, by chest was bleeding as well as my wing. My scythe was covering in a black substance.

"Marina..? Are you okay?" She asked me, holding onto my hand, pressing her other hand on my chest. "I..I'm fine." I said a small smile on my face. I was still in pain, but I didn't want her to worry as much. I looked over at the kid next to Rani, then back at Persephone. "Take the kid back home. Ask him where he lives and we can just fly him back to his place." I added, trying to sit up. Persephone saw as I was still bleeding. She saw the open door Rani left, she dashed into there and found some bandages. She then wrapped them around my chest. I gave her a smile, "Thank you." I said, trying to stand up. "Are you guys ready to leave?" I asked, holding my chest wound. "Yeah. I'm scared." The kid said quietly.

We found a staircase to walk up since the elevator was broken. We snuck out of the school building and asked where he kid lived. "It's up a small hill. It's in the Forrest though. I-I'll walk if you guys don't want me!" He apologized. "No, no! It's not safe for you out there. We'll fly you there." Rani said, holding his hand. Her wings sprouted out of her back. The other three of us already had our wings out. Adrian carried me since I literally couldn't fly. "What's your name?" Rani asked, smiling and holding him in her arms.

"Liam. Liam Ross." He smiled back. We then continued our trip to Liams home. When we got to the hill, Rani sat him down in the grass. "Oh! Liam one more thing." Rani pulled out some post cards, paper, and envelopes. "If you even need anything, write to us about it. We'll be happy to help." She smiled. "Okie dokie!" Liam said, walking back inside the house, placing the papers and stamps onto his kitchen table. "Rani, that was unnecessary, but it was still kind." Adrian shrugged, I looked up at him, he thought me looking mad as funny to him, but it was a nice thing to do. He was't wrong about that.

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