Silence is Terriying

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The night before went smoothly, Mr. Linco- dad made some nice jokes and my mom spilled the "tea" about her workplace. Apparently, the person she sat next to in the office got fired for sleeping with the executive officer. I rose out of my bed and looked through my window. It was barren, along with the walls and the lack Mom told me that our stuff like desks, TV's, dressers, ect. would be here before we got home from school. I got on my knees and looked into the box that had my uniform in it, along with my socks, stockings, and shoes. I placed on the outfit and grabbed my small purse with it, walking downstairs. My shoes quietly clicked as I walked on the carpet layer above the stairs case. My mom was sitting at the open kitchen table, not in the dining room this time. She waved at me, taking a sip of her coffee. "Is Rani and Adrian ready yet? We don't have much to eat, but I have donuts." She smiled, shrugging afterwards. "Donuts will do just fine." I added, a small snicker. I grabbed one of the strawberry frosted ones, it was great.

"Do we have any left overs?" I asked, walking over to the fridge. My mother shook her head, placing the coffee cup under a small grey napkin. "Nope, I also forgot to mention. You fell asleep at the dinner table. It wasn't embarrassing or anything. It was actually quite unnoticeable." She smiled, crossing her legs in her light blue bathrobe. "Well, that's what you think of it. Dad could've thought I was a slob! Well, not in that case, but you know what I mean." I said, finishing the donut.

I closed the refrigerator door and walked upstairs to check if Adrian or Rani was done. I knocked on Adrian's door, since the two of us didn't share a bathroom, he decided to shower. He peeped open the door to his bedroom. "What." He asked in a stern voice. He had a towel over his head, obviously chewing something. I then realized it was cucumber. "Are you almost ready? A-and why are you doing an entire spa in your bedroom! had donuts downstairs for us." I said. "Oo! Donuts. I'll finish up my "spa"." He closed the door, a few seconds later he opened it again. "It's called self-care.

You probably wouldn't know what it is because you smell like a croissant dripped in mayonnaise." He said, closing the door a final time. I crossed my arms and chuckled, walking to Rani's door as my arms unfolded. "You almost ready, Rani?" I asked, knocking on her door. "Yeah, I just need to put my uniform on!" She yelled from behind the door. I walked back downstairs. "Looks like everyone's busy. Rani's almost done though." I added, sitting down with my mom beside her at the table. I played in my phone and such until the two were done, placing my phone on the table, the three of us looked at my mom, besides Adrian he was picking at his nails. My mom took off the robe, revealing a dark blue t-shirt with a white collar, along with some jeans. She placed her sandals on and walked to the garage.

"You guys ready for the best day ever?" She asked. She knew that we hated school, but she also knows about the stuff out friend group had been talking about. "No." I yawned, eye bags covering the bottle half of my eye. As we all got into the car, we pulled out of the driveway. My mom dropped us off by the bus stop right in front of the school. She let us out and then drove back home. She does work from there anyway. The three of us split up to our lockers and enjoyed the school day. As the periods passed, I walked out of my English class, waving to the teacher. I placed the homework inside of my binder, holding it beside my hip. I walked to my locked to place it in there for the new lunch period that was going on at the moment. I walked down to the cafeteria to see my friends, I waved at them then sat at the usual table. "So, wanna try the key? We'll be fine—well I'll be fine. The staff love me and my grades. It's like we're besties." Rani said, a smirk on her face. I quietly cringed as she said the word besties. The feeling went away as I began to answer her question. "Yeah, Yeah..sure." I said anxiously.

Persephone and Adrian nodded with her idea. We grabbed our food, ate it quickly, and walked out of the cafeteria. Persephone held my hand, looking up at me as we walked to where Rani thought the room was going to be. "I'm scared. What if—what if we find the projects and we hurt us or something! The files said they were aggressive, besides one of them." She said, a worried look on her face. I looked into her eyes for a minute as we walked to an elevator in an empty hallway. "We'll be fine. Please, just don't be worried. The three of us out here for eachother." I smiled, stepping inside. Rani looked at the control panel. The only buttons were covered in black paint, the elevator was dark and big. The elevator music sounding like it was from a crappy horror movie. As Rani presses a random button, the elevator doors shut.

Adrian tapped his foot. Tap. Tap. Tap. Then it happened. The elevator started falling, Rani, Adrian, Persephone, and I screaming. As we fell on the hard floor, our heads were pounding with pain. I could barley stand up, Adrian helped me up as he offed to carry me on his shoulders. He used to let me to this in 2nd grade, man. It's been so long. I climbed onto his back and let a Rani lead us. She used the key to open the door in the dark room. As we looked inside we saw an uncanny replica of 1940's looking house wife. She had short brown hair, a floral dress with white lacing, and adorable white shoes. Her arms and legs were connected to strings that led to the ceiling. As the light shines on her she screamed. I then realized..she as human. " me! He's lying! He's.." As tears ran down her eyes, her head dropped down as her arms raised up as if a puppet was just being reset. "Hello, Welcome to the Silvercreek High! We have a wonderful and diverse array of students here, but we also specialize in science! Very special students come down here to experiment in our new and improved Maker Space lab!" She giggled. "Ma"am, are you..?" Adrian stepped closer, my hands gripping onto his shirt color and tie even tighter.

The woman started screaming, the room going back dark. The room filled with light once more, the woman gone. Adrian let me off of his back, I was able to walk a little bit, so I went with Persephone to explode some more while Adrian and Rani explored. I kissed Persephone on the cheek, "Are you okay from the fall? It took a major hit out of me." I said, rubbing my back. "Yeah. I'm fine." She said looking at the ground. Little did I know, she was scared of the woman. Was she one of the failed experiments? She looked our age, she could've been one of the old students that went missing a while before I even became a junior. I sighed. "This place is fucking terrifying. I just want to go home." I said, grilling her hand tighter and walking into the dark. Persephone's golden skin toned hand instantly snatched away from mine. She ran the other direction, the way Adrian and Rani went. I then looked infront of me. A scream coming from me.

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