Silence is Moving

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As Rani and I sat in my empty bedroom, a thought cane into my head. "Rani. Are..are people doing Yo experiment on us like that kid?" I asked, fidgeting with my fingers. "I honestly don't know. I don't want to think about that, listen if it does happened just hear me out." She placed her hand on my shoulder, gazing into my brown hazel eyes, they slowly turned white as mg left wing. "If they do come for us, we'll fight. Like we did yesterday." She said, taking her hand off of my shoulder and slowly moving it to her Galaxy covered Nintendo DS. She was playing Pokémon Sun. I sat there, looking at the hardwood floor. I stood up, my socks silently sliding on the floor as I walked. I left out of my room and went downstairs to go and talk to my mom. I couldn't find her anywhere, along with Adrian. I tried calling her, but she didn't pick up her phone. I decided to call Adrian, when he picked up he sounded scared. He almost sounded like he was crying. "What's going on?" I asked, a small worried voice in my throat. "It's mom. I'm in the back seat hiding since she.." He said in a whisper voice, then shutting his mouth tight. He reached his hard to lock the doors in the car, he let out a sigh of relief. The blacked out windows protected him for being seen for a while. "Mom what?" I asked, in a worried voice. "They took her. I was cutting something before you guys were awake, and I got this cut on my hand. They saw I had clear blood and they took mom to see if she knew anything about it." He said quietly, getting into a comfortable position in the car. I covered my mouth, slowly uncovering it to speak. "So do you know where she is? Did you see their face?" I asked frantically. "No, No. I didn't. They just pushed me aside and took her. They he'd a hunt to my head and told me, "If I even spoke about this they would hunt us down, along with the rest of our..kind" or whatever!" He said, looking at the steering wheel. "Please come back, home. You took the car so I can't come out there and get you." I said, sitting at the kitchen table, looking around the house. "Okay, give me 20 minutes." He said, hanging up.

I placed my phone onto the table, walking up stairs to go and tell Rani the news. "What happened?" She asked, a small smile on her face. "It's about mom. Adrian's coming in a bit, so I suggest that we should get ready if he needs up to go with him." Rani's smile faded. "What happened to mom?" She asked, placing the DS on the carpet. "We'll tell you later-" I was about to turn around, but she stopped me. "What is it..?" She asked, a more worried and stern look on her face. "I promise I'll tel you later! It's not that importan-" As Rani interrupted me I realized what I said. It was important, god, I'm so stupid. "WHAT IS IT? I'm worried about her as much as you are, Marina! If it's not that important then just go without me!" She said, grabbing the DS and walked into her room, closing the door behind her. I looked at the door, crossing my arms and walking into my room. I sat on my bed, my head in my palms. I took my clothes out of the box, placing on a short sleeved black shirt with a white hoodie, along with some shorts. I just threw on whatever I found. I walked out of my room and knocked onto Rani's door. "Hey, I'm sorry. is important. We might even need Seph for this too." I said tiredly. As I heard footsteps approach the door, Rani opened it. "Fine." She said, already dressed. As the two of us ran downstairs, I grabbed my phone and purse. Adrian pulled up to the house, the two of us got in, and he sped off to Persephone's house.

"Jeez! Slow down, Adrian. We have the whole day to find her." I said, holding onto the seat, along with the handle at the top of the car ceiling. "Shut up, you can't drive better. You drive like an old lady driving on a pile of eggs." He huffed, speeding into her driveway. I texted Persephone to come out of her house, she left out of her front door, waving at her mom. The last time we saw her talk to her was when we first opened the portal-thing to the kindergarten. They seem like they got along better. She sat next to me, leaving Rani to sit in the front. As we all got situated, Adrian got out of her driveway and drove all around town. We looked for hours and hours. Nothing, not even a trace of her. The last place we went was the school. Adrian noticed he forgot the text book he was supposed to use to study. So, we just went to the school to get it. Persephone and I decided to see if there were any more experiments. As the elevator came, the two of us stepped inside. "Oh, by the way. Get your weapon and wings ready. You can't trust any kind of shit down here." She said, a small chuckle. Her wings coming out of her back, the tiny elevator smushed them against the wall, it did the same for mine too. She could barley fit her giant trident in there aswell, along with my Scythe. As we went to the floor, we went last time we looked around. It was normal, but we just hadn't looked in the room Rani unlocked earlier.

I went first since I didn't want Persephone to get hurt. I opened the door, my wings slowly slapping and my scythe in both hands. I saw my mom and two other people with guns. One of them with the gun lowered the balaclava from her mouth. "Take the bitches down. We need to take their blood samples to the boss." She said, placing it back onto her mouth. Her co-worked nodded. He then charged at me, shooting me while running, my wings pushed my backwards, dodging at least 4 of the 8 bullets. Two hit my left wing, and one in right one. "Gah!" I yelled, I looked at Persephone, a worried look streaming across my face. She looked at the man, pointing her trident at him. The woman slid about 20 needles to him on the floor, kicking the bag that they were sealed in with her foot. He grabbed four of the needles, they were all filled, he then threw them all at me, then grabbing the next four and throwing them at Persephone. I dodged the first one, the second, third, and fourth one hitting my thigh, cheek, and chest. I went down, my wings twitching. The man looked at Persephone, she actually dodged all of them, with her small size she was extremely light, she got more airtime than me. She flew back, lifting herself above the ground and pressed the man against the concrete wall. As she squeezed his wrists, she felt a sharp paint in her back. It almost felt like a knife. It was a knife. My blurry vision from the floor only saw her falling to the floor, along with the man. "Persephone! Persephone! Perse-" My eyes closed, as my clear blood splattered onto the floor, along with Persephone's.

My mom covered her mouth, I bucking herself from the chair that she was on. She looked around, seeing a fire extinguisher. She broke the glass it was incased in, and ran out of the room. She then threw the extinguisher at the woman, knocking her down. She grabbed the knife and started to try and stab the man. He got off of the floor and started to block her wrist as she continued to try and stab him, as she was knocked onto the floor due to him kicking her stomach, he got on his knees and stabbed her in the stomach. Her scream was terrifying, a small amount of her blood getting onto my cheek. "Persephone? Marina? We have the textbooks, where are you guys?" Rani called out worriedly above the place. The man looked at the female co-worker. "Let's dip, we'll get them later." She nodded the two escaping through the giant air conditioning vent through the wall.

Damn! How could we be so stupid. We could've let mom out through there. Persephone got up off of the ground, tears in her eyes. She crawled over to me, my eyes fluttered open. "Please be okay, please be okay.." she said quietly, holding her back, along with my cheek. Her wings went into her back. "I'm fine. Please, go and get Rani and Adrian. They're looking for us. They can carry me or something." I said, coughing, my blood coming out aswell. As Persephone started to stand, she walked into the elevator leaving to go upstairs. As I got up off of the floor, I sat up on the wall. I quietly sobbed, looking at my mothers dead body. She was just trying to protect us. She didn't deserve any of this. "Wait.." I said quietly, coughing. "If I was born in the kindergarten, then..who's my dad? Is my dad like me..? Is he.." I said, my voice fading. What the hell did they inject me with. As the elevator door beeped, my face lit up with joy. Persephone limped over time me. "Here she is!" Adrian picked me up,
Looking at Persephone, his face lighting up with anger.

"Why would they come down here! Pardon my French, but what the fuck were they thinking coming down here after like four teens could've died by an experimented kid!" He asked, he wasn't even talking to Persephone, he was just scared and confused. "Now my mom is dead and I don't even know what to do about it." His voice breaking, he walked back to the elevator, Seph and Rani walking in aswell. I closed my eyes, trying to at least sleep though this. He placed me in the back seat next to Persephone, Rani sitting in the front again. He drove back home, parking the car in the garage. He slammed the bar door and walked into the house. Adrian walked into his room and sat on his bed, the lights turned off, I had to get out of the car by my self, I helped Persephone in aswell.

We were helping eachother though, so it kind of helped. The two of us sat on my bed. "I'm sorry." She said quietly. She held my hand. She wrapped herself with bandages before she left. I held her hand. "..." I sighed, looking at her. "You..don't want to go home like that, do you?" I asked. "No. Not at all." She said, fidgeting with her fingers. "You can stay here if you'd like. There's plenty of room." I smiled at her, it was also pretty painful to do so. "Wow! Thanks." She said in a scratchy voice. I looked at her. "I have the best idea ever." I said, looking at her. She then answered with the worst word ever, "What?"

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