Silence is a Kindergarten

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The sun peaked through my window. I closed my blinds, they were literally blinding me. I got out of bed tiredly and walked to my bathroom. I decided to do my hygiene routine first, then breakfast, then clothes and such. That sounds like a good idea. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, did my hair and such. Walking downstairs, my mom was sitting at the couch watching the news. She looked over the couch with a worried look, then back up at the TV. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know what. I continue to make my cereal.

"Marina." She says quietly from left side of the room.

I walk over to her, placing the bowl on the counter.

"The neighbor called me yesterday. What were you guys doing while I was at work?" She asked.

I began to get worried.

"Nothing! We were just pretending to jump off a building. Just good sibling fun as all." I chuckled, my eyes darting to my mothers.

"He reported you guys were flying or something." She said, stumbling over her words.

"Y- you haven't talked to your grandmother in a while..have you?" She asked me frantically.

"No, I haven't heard from her since I was born." I said, looking toward my bowl. My mom looked at her watch.

"I've taken up too much time. I'll tell you when I get home from work," she said, turning off the TV and grabbed our lunches from the fridge.

"Anyway, bye." She said, kissing me on the forehead. Her scarlet red lipstick getting on me. I wiped it off, sighing afterwards.

I continued to eat my cereal until it was finished. I then placed the bowl in the sink.

"Adrian, you almost ready?" I asked, walking back upstairs to my room.

"..Uh-huh!" He yelled. The door to his room was locked.

What the hell was he doing in there? I tried to open the door, It didn't budge.

"Open the door! We're leaving soon." I boomed. There was silence. I groaned, putting my hands on my face.

I took them off and ran out of the hallway and into my room. I put on my usual uniform and my small pastel yellow lanyard.

"I swear to god if you don't get your ass out of the room, I'll call mom." I groaned, continuing to bang on his door.

"I can't open the door. I can't reach it." He said in a sad voice.

I walked outside, looking through his window. He was flying again. He was stuck on his ceiling fan. I texted him,

'just wiggle off of the fan dude'


I placed my phone in my pocket and tried to climb onto something to get into his window. I only got to see in it though sadly. I heard a loud crash. He fell, finally. He ran downstairs with his bookbag and outside in front of the garage. The two of us then walked to the bus station. We saw Persephone and Rani, so we sat next to them.

"So, have you guys learned how to do the..thing?" Rani asked. "I saw you two in your driveway with wings on your back. When my dad went to sleep, I tried to do that too. It worked!" She said excitedly

She had the wings too?! Maybe it's about what Persephone said, or just a coincidence. No. A coincidence can't be this specific. I decided to think a bit more before I had to respond.

"You..have those too? I thought we were the only ones. Might be something in the school lunch that gave that to us." I joked.

"No, I felt a pain in my back before I started eating school lunch. I couldn't have been that." Rani added on.

As the bus stopped. We all got off, Persephone catching up with us. She was holding her bag, lunch, and some more files. Yes! The two of them have been the best at finding clues about this place. She handed the file to me, scrolling through the papers. I found a few things, pulling out a few papers as we walking into the school building.

"You found more projects?" I asked, looking at Persephone.

"Yep. There's also this place called the kindergarten that I recently found out about. Wanna know about it?" She asked, a small smile on her face.

"Sure." I said, smiling back.

"Well, the kindergarten is a garden with small chambers that hold people whenever they're ready to be born into the world. So, people who have wings; like Adrian, Rani, You, and Me. We're born inside of the kindergarten." She said, "This place also holds some more of the captured projects that have been in the files. Beside the birth-chamber-things are Electi weapons. Those are made up of light, the color of the light depending on what kind of Phoenix you are. For me, I am the Phoenix of Love and Loyalty, so my weapon colors are pink and yellow. Does that make sense?" She asked.

Rani turned to her. "Yeah, but how do we get to the kindergarten? Don't we want to get out electi weapons?" She asked.

"Well the thing is, I don't know." Persephone chuckled.

"Wait, we haven't all exchanged numbers. I can add you to a group chat on Picano." Adrian chimed in.

"Should we get Sadie in it?" I asked, quietly raising my hand.

"Maybe later." Rani turned to me.

The four of us them proceeded to exchange Picano numbers and head to class. We waved each other bye, then we left.

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