HSD - Chapter 3

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Lisa Manoban fell asleep under the thick green canopy of the giant oak tree and albeit to her consciousness, that was also the first time she dreamt of Jennie Kim.

In her dream, it was very bright. But the light seemed to be radiating from Jennie. She was glowing as if she was the sun itself. She was giggling as she ran away from Lisa. She would frequently turn her head back to smile at her, reaching out to her and gesturing for her to follow her. 

And she did. 

Lisa chased after her. But no matter how fast she ran, she couldn't catch up to the feline-eyed girl. 

Soon, she was now out of her sight.

Lisa now found herself alone in the darkness. When Jennie left, she seemed to have brought the sun along with her. She tried to call her, she shouted her name, but no one appeared. 

Suddenly, she heard someone else call her name. That someone had a sweet and gentle voice.

"Jennie dear, please do be careful! Jisoo will be angry with me if I let you get hurt."

"Don't worry Rosé! I do this all the time! I'm nearly there. This little bird will be home soon."

"Alright then. Just be carfull!"

"Yeah– Ahhhhhhhhhh!"


All of a sudden, Lisa felt something soft and warm land on top of her forcing her to wake up from her deep slumber. She reluctantly opened her eyes.

Droopy doe eyes meets the alarmed feline ones.

Lisa found herself mesmerized at those eyes. 

Jennie can't help but to stare back at those eyes who's intensely looking at her.

It was a while before anyone of them responded. They were suddenly inside of a magical trance wherein the two of them just stared into each other's eyes. A world with just the two of them existing.

Suddenly, the silence was broken with an ear-piercing scream. The magical trance they were in was now broken and both are finally aware of their surroundings and their current situation.

"Ahh! Get off me!" Jennie, reality finally hitting her, screamed. Her face was flushed and red as a tomato.

"What? But you're the one on top of me!" Lisa also yelled back.

Jennie realizing that she was right, quickly stood up. She put a good distance between her and the rude girl.

"B...but you... You touched me! You're a pervert!" Jennie accused as she points a finger at Lisa.

Lisa rolled her eyes at the drama queen in front of her.

"You're the one who fell on me! I should be the one to complain that you touched me!" Lisa shot back.

"Heck and why would I... Oh my goodness! You! Y...you were down there... A...and I was up there..." Jennie trailed off as she looked up the tree and down the ground beneath the tree. "Ahhh!"

Jennie turned into a deeper shade of red as she clamped her legs shut and put her hands in front. She pulled her skirt down, as if trying to cover her modesty.

"Oh please, I didn't see anything. Even if I did, there is nothing much to look at," Lisa coolly replied.

"Why you!" Jennie was angry. She swore she had never been so mad at a particular person before.

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