HSD - Chapter 9

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Jennie Kim was thinking about a certain Thai ashen-haired girl. She had always seen her eating alone in a corner at the cafeteria. There were times though where she would spot a bunch of girls joining her at her table.

She frowned at that thought. 

Their courage, however, had gone unrewarded. Somehow, they would all end up in tears. Lisa would just completely ignore their presence or just leave for an empty table when those girls got too annoying.

That put a smile on her. 

The bell had rung signaling the end of the lesson and the start of the break. Jennie turned to Lisa who was busily packing her books beside her.

"Lisa, why don't you join me and my friends for recess?" Jennie asked her with a smile. "Jisoo would be there..." Jennie trailed off. She suddenly regretted her last few words.

Though Jisoo and Lisa were good friends, they had been on bad terms recently. This was all because of Jennie returning home 'a minute and forty-three seconds' late.

Lisa barely escaped Jisoo's wrath if not for a close save by Rosé who called just in the nick of time.

"It's alright. I'll pass," Lisa replied rather coldly.

"Ok..." Jennie said disappointed. "Wait for me then. Let's walk to the cafeteria together."

Lisa was still expressionless. She merely stood beside Jennie's desk and waited for her to finish packing. Jennie hurried her movements. She doesn't like to keep Lisa waiting.

"Let's go," Jennie nodded towards Lisa as she and Lisa walked out of class together.

When they reached the cafeteria, Lisa found herself surprised when Jennie followed her to her usual table and placed her bag beside her. She thought that the girl will sit together with Jisoo and the others.

Lisa raised an eyebrow at Jennie who settled sitting just beside her sit.

"What are you doing?" she asked her stupidly.

"What do you think? I'm sitting here of course!" she replied, giving Lisa her famous gummy smile.

"No, I meant why aren't you sitting with your friends? Why are you sitting with me?"

"Well, I am sitting with my friend," she emphasized. "Besides, it's a good change of atmosphere. I won't have to eat watching Jisoo's sour face. Not until I get home anyway."

"She's still angry with you?" Lisa asked worriedly. Jennie just gave her a shrug. "But won't sitting with me make it worse?" Lisa continued asking her.

"It's already at its worst. So it can't possibly get any worse than this," Jennie told her matter-of-factly. By this time, both Lisa and Jennie had bought their food and had settled down.

"Sorry," Lisa said quietly.

"What? Don't be ridiculous! It's not your fault! Jisoo's just being overprotective. She's always like that," Jennie assured her.

Jennie then started rambling about her and Jisoo when they were young. She talked about how even though Jisoo was over-protective now; she was quite a cry-baby when they were still young. She told Lisa that she would often get scolded by her father for making Jisoo cry. 

Lisa would then chuckle at her. She would listen intently to her.

The two were in a world of their own, chatting (this is mostly done by Jennie) and just laughing together. They were now comfortable with each other's presence that they were now oblivious to those around them.

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