HSD - Chapter 26

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There was suddenly a crowd surrounding Jennie, many of whom were taking pictures, snapping away.

Jisoo and Hanbin acted immediately. They both formed a human shield around Jennie as they forced their way into the school compound. The teachers who were there at the gate, helped out as well, trying to block the group of people.

Lisa could only stand at the same spot and watch. She was confused and her body didn't react the way she wanted it to. She wanted to help and protect Jennie but she ended up doing nothing.

Just then, she heard everything. She finally understood what was going on.

"We are here live outside the gates of YG Academy where the Princess of New Zealand, Jennie Rubyjane Kim, is schooled. The Princess of New Zealand has never made a public appearance before and this is the first time we have exclusive news on her..."

... ... ...

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Jisoo demanded crossly. She was angry that her cousin's safety had nearly been compromised. She, Hanbin and Jennie were currently in the principal's office trying to deal with the situation at hand.

Jennie was quiet all this while. All she could think about was Lisa. She was not with them and she wondered how she was reacting to the revelation. She cursed herself silently. How could things have come to this?

"Miss Kim...Your Highness..." Miss Lee Chaerin corrected herself.

"You guys aren't involved in this right?" Jisoo demanded again.

The teachers had known all along and they were supposed to help keep their identities a secret.

"It couldn't be them," Hanbin spoke up, he then passed the morning's newspaper to Jisoo. "Look," Hanbin said pointing to the picture on the front page of Jennie wearing a green gown. "This was taken during the party, meaning that it was probably some old geezer who spilled the beans to the media."

"Well whatever it is," Jisoo said. "We have to find out what's going on. It would also be best for Jennie to stay at home for now."

... ... ...

Jennie was walloping in misery at home for days. Lisa had refused to contact her. She didn't reply to her text messages, nor answered her calls. Obviously, she was still angry at her for lying to her.

The rest of the girls decided to drop by the cousins' house and try to cheer Jennie up. Though the girls found out about Jennie the same time as Lisa did, they took the news much better than she did.

"You've got to get out more Jen. Moping around won't get Lisa back," Irene told the depressed girl.

"Rene's right," Joy agreed.

"I know what we should do!" Rosé suddenly exclaimed. "Let's have an all-girls night out! Tonight! We'll go to the bar and have fun!"

"Yea that's a great idea!" Joy and Irene agreed.

Jennie had no choice of course. In the end, she was dragged off by the other girls.

The bar was relatively empty, but the girls decided to sit in one of the booths by the quiet corner.

"Hello Jen, girls! How can I help you?" the bartender was a boy their age with tan complexion and brown hair. He was one of their school friends. He recognized Jennie under the black wig she wore but knew better than to expose her to the public.

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