HSD - Chapter 27

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Jennie sat alone in the airport lounge waiting for her cousin. She and Jisoo were returning back to New Zealand.

After Jennie's identity as New Zealand's crown princess had been revealed to the whole world, it wasn't safe anymore for her to stay behind.

Jennie's mind wondered off to the event the night before. The girls and her had gotten themselves dead drunk. She couldn't exactly remember what happened, she only knew that Lisa had brought her home. When she got up in the morning, she had a terrible hangover followed by a long melodramatic lecture by Jisoo.

"It's time to go Jennie," Jisoo said gently.

The trip back was decided very last minute. The two cousins didn't even have time to bid farewell to their friends although Jisoo managed to make a quick call to Rosé. Hanbin was staying behind in YG Academy, he would explain to the rest about the twins' sudden departure.

Jennie got up as she followed her cousin quietly to the boarding gate. She looked back, half hoping that Lisa would be there to stop her. She also knew that it was impossible. Lisa didn't know that she was leaving.

How could she? She refused to contact her.

... ... ...

Lisa was soaked and panting very heavily when she reached the airport terminal. The taxi she took was stuck in a jam halfway, making her run by foot the rest of the journey. It was as if the heavens were angry with her and wanted to punish her. Not long after she got off the taxi, it started pouring hard.

The first flight to New Zealand had already departed while the second was on boarding, Lisa had checked.

"Please, let her be in the second flight!" Lisa prayed to the heavens as she ran towards the departure gate.

"I'm sorry ma'am. You're not allowed to enter without a boarding pass," the security officer said to Lisa.

"I'm not going to board the plane. I just need to speak with my girlfriend," Lisa said desperately.

"I'm sorry sir. You are causing a disturbance. Please leave now or we're going to have to arrest you," the security officer threatened Lisa.

Lisa knew she had no other choice but to leave. Without her passport, there was no way Lisa could get into the departure hall.

Suddenly, an idea struck her. She knew how to get to Jennie.

"Jennie, wait! Please don't leave," Lisa's voice echoed through the entire airport. With a little charm and money, Lisa had managed to convince the girl at the reception to let her make an announcement.

"I've been an awful jerk and I'm so sorry. Please forgive me..."

"Umm, Miss Manoban," someone interrupted Lisa. "Princess Jennie was in the first flight..."

... ... ...

"I need to see her highness, Princess Jennie," Lisa told the guard at the large metal gates of the imperial palace.

"Do you have an appointment with her royal highness?" the guard asked nonchalantly.

"No," Lisa said slowly. "Not exactly. But I need to see her. I'm Lisa Manoban. Tell her I'm here."

"No one is allowed to see her highness without an appointment," the guard insisted.

Lisa's patience was wearing thin. She had humiliated herself at the airport way back home for nothing. She had made a broadcast throughout the airport in her desperate attempt to stop Jennie.

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