HSD - Chapter 25

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Long chapter again...

"Jennie, stop pacing around. You're making me dizzy," Jisoo told her cousin who was walking back and forth for the last half an hour.

"Jisoo I'm doomed! Doomed I tell you!" Jennie lamented.

Jisoo sighed. Just a few hours ago, Jennie received a letter revealing that somebody in their school knew her secret. Now, the cousins were back home thinking of a solution.

"For all we know, it could be just another prank. Jennie, are you really sure?" Jisoo asked.

"Yes Jisoo, whoever knows!" she snapped back.

"There's nothing much we can do now," Jisoo said calmly. "I mean, the person hasn't even stated his demand yet. He probably just wants to see some chaos."

Jennie finally joined her cousin on the couch. She was right after all. No point panicking now. Whoever that person was probably just wanted to mess with her head.

"So how did you convince Lisa?" Jisoo asked. "She saw the letter too didn't she?"

"Oh..., that," Jennie replied.


"Jennie?" Lisa looked at the raven-haired confused. What secret could she be hiding?

"I think it's time to tell her Jennie," Hanbin spoke up.

Jennie was horrified. No. She couldn't tell Lisa just yet. She was not mentally prepared. She glared at Hanbin. Threatening him, no, begging him not to tell.

"What's going on?" Lisa asked anxious. What could Jennie be keeping from her?

"You see..." Hanbin started.

Jennie was screaming inside her head. She would have already pounced on Hanbin had Lisa not blocked her way.

"Jennie's joining the beauty pageant," Hanbin said bluntly.

"What? You are?" Lisa asked her.

"Huh? I am?" Jennie dumbly asked.

"You're joining the pageant?" Jisoo asked Jennie, her face contorted with confusion.

"Yes apparently. And you've got Hanbin to thank for that," Jennie said annoyed. She was already thinking of ways to kill Hanbin.

"Did Lisa buy it?" Jisoo asked.

"Yea, I think she did. Hanbin did a job in convincing her," Jennie replied.

"Do you want me to kill Hanbin for you?" Jisoo asked her cousin. She very well knew that she was probably pissed off with Hanbin.

"It's alright," Jennie lazily waved a hand. "I've already taken care of him. I doubt he would be coming to school for the next few days."

The next day...

"Jennie! I didn't know you're joining the pageant! You didn't tell me!" Rosé suddenly appeared in the school hall, accusing Jennie of hiding something so important.

"I didn't know either..." Jennie muttered quietly to herself.

"I'm sorry but what? I didn't catch that," Rosé said.

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