HSD - Chapter 29

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Jennie curled up into a ball on her large canopy bed as she waited for the perfect opportunity to make her move. She was going to escape back to Seoul though she had arrived back in New Zealand not too long ago.

She had to see Lisa no matter what. She couldn't contact her before and she had no means whatsoever to contact her now.

Taeyang, the head of security, had taken both Jisoo and her phone for checking. Who knows for whatever safety reason? And he hasn't returned them.

Tick tock tick tock.

Jennie watched the minute hand move very slowly. It was almost painful just to lie in bed doing nothing, waiting for the time to pass.

Tick tock tick tock.

Jennie couldn't take it anymore. She got up and walked towards her closet. She was going to change into something more comfortable than the silvery gown she was wearing. Cargo pants and a tank top would be great.

Suddenly, Jennie heard knocks on her door. Jennie cursed under her breath. She was going to have to push up her plans and leave now.

She didn't expect Park Bom to arrive that early. Knowing that woman, she was probably going to take a lot of Jennie's time and Jennie did not have the patience to wait any longer. Of course, there was a possibility that it was not Bom. But Jennie did not want to take any chances.

"There's no time like the present!" Jennie said to herself as she perched herself on the ledge of the window. Then, she clung on tight to the wall as she scooted herself away from the window. She made it just in time to be out of sight from her window as she heard the doors open.

Just then, Jennie heard a scream from downstairs. She looked down just in time to see one of the maids as white as sheet.

"P-Princess!" the maid stammered.

Damn it! Jennie had been caught.

She has no choice now but to jump down immediately. There were bushes not too far away. She could aim for that. Pulling up the hem of her long gown, she shouted for the servants downstairs to make way.

"Coming through!" Jennie shouted as she dropped from the second story.

"Your highness!" Jennie heard the horrified and worried cries of the servants.

As Jennie landed on the soft bushes, miraculously unscathed, she quickly picked herself up as she ran deeper into the garden. She knew it wouldn't be long before the servants will be at her tail.

Jennie ran and ran, occasionally looking back to see if someone had caught onto her. She was now in the most secluded part of the garden. That part was more of a forest really than a garden. She looked for the tree with a green ribbon tied to its branch, it was her way out of the palace.

There was a secret passage and Jennie had often used that to escape the palace and go for her little adventures. Even Jisoo didn't know about the passage. Nobody knew except for Jennie and Hanbin- he was her partner in crime and they had often got into trouble together.

It was nightfall by the time Jennie reached Lisa's mansion. She was very nervous about meeting Lisa. She wondered how she would react when she sees her at her doorstep.

Will Lisa turn her away? Jennie took a deep breath as she pressed the bell.

Seungri, the old butler, answered the door and looked surprised when he saw Jennie.

"Good evening, is Lisa in?" Jennie asked nervously.

"Good evening your highness," Seungri replied. "The young mistress will be home shortly. Would your highness like to come in?"

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