Chapter 2 - The biggest shock

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It's been weeks since my engagement got terminated. I haven't told mom or dad yet, only my crazy cousin, Lizzy.

It's sunday evening and I'm feeling very lonely. I tried Lizzy's number but it wasn't just connecting for a reason I dont know. Well, when I get to her house, she will have a better explanation to offer me.

I picked up my car keys and hopped into the car. Listening to Rema's album, I drove peacefully to lizzy's apartment at Maryland.

I drove inside and parked. Getting to her door, I noticed it wasn't locked. I pushed the door opened and got in. The living room looks different, the pillows were scattered all over like she's babysitting a child.

Where the heck is this girl?

I aranged the pillows before I sat down for a while shouting her name but got no response. I got up, went into the kitchen and helped myself with some juice from the fridge and pizza she left in the micro wave.

I sat down for about twenty minutes watching TV and yet, no sign of Lizzy. I ran through the stairs and got to the corridor. Walking down to her room, I heard two voices talking. Lizzy's voice and a familiar voice, Harry's.

I fought with my mind, clearing the thought of harry being here especially in lizzy's room until I heard her say, "I wonder what you actually saw in her anyway. I have all the curves and satisfy you sexually which she can't do even after marriage."

I'm really not into eavesdropping but this particular situation, I really need to do this shit so I moved closer. "But she's your cousin," Harry said

"So? I met you first even though it was a one night stand. Imelda has always gotten everything she wanted but having you is one wish that can't be granted because I have you now, my love," she said and I could hear them exchange kisses.

I turned around to leave severally but I couldn't hold what was burning in me. I kicked the door opened since she always will have the bad habit of not locking a door.

As soon as I appeared before them, harry spoke up immediately, "this isn't what you think babe."

"Babe! Really?"

"What are you doing in my apartment without knocking. You didn't even call to inform me you're coming over," Lizzy said acting like everything around her is normal, reaching out for her phone on the bed table.

Hot tears ran down my cheeks as I watched Lizzy pick up her phone and sighed, "Ooooh. You actually called. I'm sorry little couz, was quite busy with my baby here but since you are here, we can have a threesome."

"Right! A threesome with a devil I call my cousin and my ex," my shaking voice spat with venom. At this time, Harry had dressed up fully.

"Babe, I can explain. She invited me over saying you would be here and before-,"

"Save it for your ancestors, you bastard" with my hand up, I said shutting the fucked up idiot. Before leaving, I stared at Lizzy for a while and murmured the word "thank you" to her.

"It's just sex honey. Suck it up. Moreover you're a virgin." I heard Lizzy shout behind me.




Weeks later..

I made up my mind that Sunday was gonna be the last time I would cry for that bastard called Harry and for my cousin, karma will catch up with her.

I finally told my parents and they were devastated. I'm just super glad nothing has been paid for yet. Staring at my living room, I decided to leave for a while but where to go, I had no idea.

I asked for a week leave and was granted. I packed my bag with few clothes and left for the hotel. I guess it's time for a week vacation.

As I opened my exit door, the image before me was irritating.


"Last I checked, I told you never to step foot here," I rolled my eyes, not letting myself be worked up over a past have tried to forget.

"Babe, I can explain," he went down on his knees holding the tip of my yellow free short gown.

I kicked his hand off my dress, "There's nothing to explain Harry. I get your point. You need a beauty queen, a sexy curvy body and Lizzy has all of it so I guess you should settle with her," I said and walked to where my car was parked.

"And don't forget to invite me for the wedding. I will definitely love to attend." I smiled dropping my luggages at the back seat.

"There's no wedding, babe. I want you and you only," he yelled back.

I laughed and I began walking up to him. Giving him a goodbye peck on his cheeks, "Wish me well in finding Mr right," I said before driving off telling the gate man to help him out of my compound.

Already settled in my suite that my father paid for, I went into the shower to take a long bath. I badly need it to cool of my head after talking to Harry.

I picked up the make-up box I had packed all the make-up products I bought. I placed it on the mirror table and decide to learn how to apply them.

I opened you-tube and subscribed to a make-up show. learn how to apply your make-up.

At first, I was pissed off with the fact I wasn't getting the eye brows well but after several trials I finally got it. Four hours later, I was done.

I looked at my beautiful face in the mirror and happiness ran through my blood streams.

"Now this is the new Imelda madu! Don't mess with her," I sighed, proud of what I've done to my face.

I fixed up my schedule for the week. It's gonna be party after party.




Another chapter is here! 💃💃💃

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