Chapter 8 - My nagging husband

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"Babes, why don't you want to give him children. He's your husband you know." Bisola, my colleague at the office scolded me.

She's the only human being I associated with since I started working there. Every other being saw me as a sassy rich girl which I wasn't until Harry called our engagement off. Now, I'm known as the sassy beauty queen.

"Bisola, let me be honest with you. I don't want to spoil my figure. You see this shape," I said, turning round for her to take a good look at my body shape. "I don't want to loose it." I firmly said.

"Wait, where is this 'loosing of shape because of child bearing' coming from?" She asked looking surprised at my sudden outburst.

"Because many mothers who were once fit are now fat," I said irritated at the image I was now imagining.

"But I'm not fat," she said and I chuckled. "Says who?"

"What do you mean, Imelda?"

"I mean you are fat. You look old like you're in your fifties." I spat.

She looked at me and said, "I don't blame you. Now, I know why they call you sassy beauty queen," she said and walked out of my office slamming the door real hard behind her.

"I'm sorry, Bisola," I managed to shout behind her before the door got slammed.





I was talking to my P.A when my phone vibrated. "Hello micheal," Zara greeted over the phone.

It's been three days since we went to the hospital. I have even forgotten I did a test.

"Hey Zara, how you doing?"

"I'm good and healthy. What about you and how's Imelda doing?"

"She's good. I'm good too. Hope I'm safe with this call?"

"Of course you are. The result is out already and you both are good. You can come pick it up on your way home,"

"Oooh. Okay, that's great. Do you have any hint why she's not pregnant yet?" I asked.

"Well, when you come over we'll talk better. Have to hang up now, see you later," she said and hanged up.

In the evening...

"About what I asked over the phone when you called... " she cut me off

"Is you wife taking any medication?"she asked.

"No, she's not. At least, not any I'm aware of. Why asking? Is she ill or something?"

"No. You both are good to have babies. After six months and no sign of pregnancy, you both should come back," she smiled, showing her perfect white set of teeth.

"Thanks Zara." I said, collecting the results from her. "Will be on my way now. Take good of our baby," I smiled and she waved from her seat, "my regards to Imelda."

My drive from the hospital to the house is being hectic due to the traffic and all I will be needing when I get home is a warm shower and a well prepared dinner and maybe a taste of my beautiful wife, then I will have a nice rest.

Two hours on the steering and I finally got home. "Honey, I'm back," I chanted as I walked into the bedroom. She gave me a welcome back kiss as always and went back to where she was seated before I walked in.

"Wouldn't you help me with my tie and shirt?" I asked, surprised. "I'm sorry baby, I just got my nails fixed on my way back from work and I can't get it ruined," she blew a kiss to me, an apology gift I guess.

"Okay. I just hope you made dinner cause I'm famished," I said, finding my way to the bathroom.

"Nope. I didnt," she responded but I took it as a joke.

After bathing and wearing my pajama, I joined her on the couch. "Can I have my dinner now, babe."

She laughed. "I'm serious. I didn't make anything. I just got my nails fixed, was hoping you would come home earlier than now to make dinner," she sounded so serious.

I laughed. "You're kidding right?"

"No, I'm not," she said, still on her laptop.

"You mean, a husband gets back from work just to be told by his wife that she didn't prepare anything for dinner and she expects him to swallow her silly excuse. Mel, what's wrong with you?"

"Must you get angry at me for every little thing I do," she spat back.

"Oooh, you not cooking for me is a little thing right?"

"I didn't say that. But baby, instead of you nagging why don't you make dinner for us. I can even remember the last time you gave me a surprise breakfast in bed," she did her puppy face.

"That won't work on me tonight, Mel. Just go to the kitchen and fix me something, I'm hungry."

She looked at me for a while before facing her laptop back. "Mel," I called out, my voice raising a bit.

She didn't answer.

I tried to calm down and headed downstairs to fix myself dinner.




Days later..

Mel has started giving some attitude lately but I didn't mind. At a point, I thought she was pregnant and it was the pregnancy hormones working but after I made her use a urine test, I realized I was just making excuses for her.

But that doesn't mean I won't love my wife. Moreover, every relationship or marriage has it bad times, right?

"Darling, you know our birthday is next week. How are we gonna celebrate it?" Mel wrapped her arms around my torso, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I didn't even notice when she walked into the gym room. Don't be surprised, I do keep fit. My abs are very special to me just the way Mel is.

"I don't know love. But I know for sure, we are going to make a baby," I smirked and she pulled away. "Must you always bring this baby issue up. I've told you, we'll have a child or children when it's time."

"And when will it be time? When we are fifty?"

"Hey, we are still young. I'm gonna be twenty five years old," she blink her long lashes at me.

"That's why it's better now. It will be easy for you now since you're still very young. At least, that's what I always hear,"

"I only asked how we will spend our birthdays together not how I will get pregnant," she said, attempting to walk away when I stopped her and pulled her into a warm calming hug.

"I'm sorry."




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