Chapter 13 - Attitude

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"Hey girl," Bisola greeted me as soon as I got into the elevator. I smiled, "hey,"

"Babes, are you fine?" She asked sweetly, with her hand on my forehead.

I forced the cutest smile I could and replied, "I'm cool."

Since we were with two others, she refused to speak. The elevator took it's time before it reaches our floor. Bisola reluctantly followed me to my office.

"You look pale, are you sure you're okay?" She asked.

I said no word.

"Are you pregnant?" She grinned happily, like a child who just found her Barbie doll.

"I wish I was," I told her as tears formed in my eyes. "What's wrong?" He came forward holding my hand.

"I don't know. I messed up, I badly messed up," I cried as she pulled me into a motherly hug.

Talking of motherly, none of our parents know about our predicaments only Barry and of course, our family doctor.

"Calm down, Imelda, and tell me what's going on," she said, stroking my hair gently. I pulled away from her and sat down. She took the other seat beside me as I told her everything.

"Holy Mary. What did you say you did? Are you kidding me right now, after all we have discussed about this," she scolded like a mother would do.

The more she spoke the more tears flowed down my cheeks. At a point, I just wanted to blame my stupid cousin, Lizzy and my ungrateful ex who changed me to what I am today but looking at everything, I am to be blamed.

I decided to allow my weakness have a great impact on me. I made the mistake and I will take full responsibility for everything. To hell with Lizzy and Harry.

"Imelda.. " she snapped me out of my little thought. "You sure you are okay?" She asked.

"Yes... I guess so," I sighed.

"How's Mr micheal taking it?"

"I don't know.. Sometimes he will be caring, sometimes he will...he will just take it out on me. I guess I caused it," I said, trying to swallow my tears.

"I guess so. You know, I kinda warned you. But I think you're lucky since he's not giving you any silent treatment. Or bringing in another wife or having a mistress. He must truly love you this much," she said.

I don't know but it kinda felt like she was encouraging me.

"I hate to admit it but yeah, you warned me. I was just selfish. I put my body shape, beauty and career before my family," I said. It felt like someone pinched my chest as the words escaped from my lips.

"I just want you to cheer up. It's not the end of the word and trust me, all will go well. As far as you change and take care of yourself and your husband, everything will turn out fine," she smiled.

"Thank you darling. I really don't know what I would have done in this office without you, I love you," I said, hugging her so tight. 

"You know my answer already, babe. Always know I gat your back anytime, anyway." She giggled, which made me chuckle a little.

"I've to go now. Have some work to do," she pulled away, blew a kiss to me and left. "I have a feeling you will have your  babies soon," she winked at me before closing the door behind her.

I smiled and walked to my seat coming face to face with my pretty laptop.

I love when laptops are designed with stickers all over, so yeah, I did design mine.

I switched it on and started working.




I got home a bit earlier than usual.

I took my medication after the sweet lunch Bisola got for me. Exactly 3pm, I became feverish. I couldn't do anything. I threw up once and started feeling sleepy.

Bisola helped me take permission from the manager and here I am, in my house resting.

I managed to prepare dinner. I made fish stew and boiled rice. Every since our encounter with Zara, I decided to be the best wife to Mic. I know I have hurt him severally and even though he sometimes treats me like trash, I still try my best.

I heard him drive in and I quickly went to the kitchen to heat up the food.

I heard the door open and close. "Welcome back, babe," I walked to him, placing a kiss on his lips. I collected his suitcase from him and said, "food will soon be served."

"I'm not hungry," he replied and went upstairs. I followed him behind.

"What do you mean you're not hungry, Mic?" I frowned.

"Because I'm not hungry. Simple and short." He spat. He has been doing this throughout the week ever since.

To be honest, I miss my charming caring husband. It just one week and he's acting all cold towards me. Sometimes he cares buh that's only when I'm weak or something.

I wonder how I will cope if he keeps acting this way. I doubt if I can handle this attitude for a year.

"I know I deserve this treatment but please, I'm begging you, join me for dinner," I pleaded.

He looked at me, his eyes softened a bit and then cleared immediately. "No," he said firmly.

"Please Mic. Throughout this week, you haven't touched any of my food. Be it breakfast or dinner,"

"Why should I? Give me one reason why I should eat your food." I was speechless. I opened my mouth and closed it.

"You see, you have nothing to say," he raised his voice. "Before now, I begged you to make my meals but all of a sudden, you changed. Why? Because.... I don't even want to say it. Thinking about it, makes me wanna throw up," he spat. I could feel venom in him.

I just stood there, crying. I couldn't talk. My eyes kept on producing water like a broken tap.

I turned around to leave, but felt a hand grab mine. "I'm sorry. I didn't have to say all that nor rub it in," he said pulling me into a warm hug. I sobbed for almost thirty minutes.

"I will join you for dinner," he finally said after the brief silence. "Thank you," I said, more like a whisper.




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