Part 14

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I jumped up and woke my ma and auntie up. I was panicking trying to hurry up and find clothes to put on. Aunt Pam stayed home with Aubrey because she was still asleep. Me and mom hurried and headed to the shop. The polices were there and my assistant was there too. Me and my momma got out of the car. I walked in and seen all my mirrors shattered, all my magazines were ripped apart and my office was destroyed. "We have the robbers on video from the surveillance cameras." The officer said. "Robbers?" I said. "Yes mam, do you know anybody that would possibly do this on purpose?" The officer said. I kept my thoughts to myself. "No, why do you think that." I said looking at how my beautiful shop had became a vandalized mess. "Because they didn't steal the money, they just vandalized the place" he said. My mind started wondering, there is so many people that is pissed at me that i don't even know who to choose from. "Avery, Gladly we have coverage for vandalism for the shop!" My assistant said. "Thank you God" I said frustratedly. "Baby I'm so sorry." My ma said hugging me. "We'll be in touch Ms. Avery" the officer said continuing his investigation with the other cops around the salon. "On the bright side you have coverage baby" ma said. "Yes, but we have to watch the video and try to recognize who the person is ma" I said. After looking at my salon and getting even more pissed me and ma headed back home. "It's 3:45am I might as well stay up because I have work at 5:00am" ma said. "Okay ma" I said pulling up in my yard. "You go in mom, Ima just sit here in the car and clear my mind." I said. "Okay hun" she said getting out the car walking in the house. I was so pissed! I worked my ass off for 4 years to get my own salon and somebody ruined it! I was so heated. I keep thinking trying to put the puzzle together on who may have damaged my salon. I grabbed my phone and was about to get out of my car. Then I seen the bush on the side of my house moving. I got back in my car and shut my door and locked myself in. I stared at the bush trying to figure out why tf was it moving. *ding* I got a message from a unfamiliar number.
# : You look so pretty in all black.

Who tf was this texting my phone and how tf did they know I was wearing black. I hurried and called the police. I stayed in my car and waited on the police to get here. About 12 mins later a police car pulled up . I got out. Instantly someone ran away from behind the bushes it looked like a guy. "HE'S GETTING AWAYYYY!" I yelled. "You stay here!" The police said chasing after the guy. "I GOT HIM!" The policed yelled from behind my house. I ranned where they was. "Who the hell is that?" I yelled. The officer raised the person's head up. "Oh My God!!!!"

To be continued...

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