Ch. One

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"Hey, Craig what a surprise seeing you here," Raye stated, grimacing slightly at him.

She was staring at Brie's eldest sibling, unable to grasp what he was doing there at almost nine o'clock in the night with his clothes a little dishevelled. He looked like he'd had a rough day, his brown eyes which were a few shades darker than hers were soft despite his stone-cold features as he observed her. Craig seemed nervous and it's unlike him she noted.

"Brie isn't home right now, just so you know." She added and he shook his head slightly.

"I know, I came here to see you."

"Oh, okay. Well, come in." She moved away using her free hand to indicate to Craig that he should step inside. He was a short fella, the shortest out of all of Brie's siblings, shorter than she was as well. Craig constantly kept his hair very low, making it hard to figure out his race— he often looked Latino instead of mixed between caucasian and black. He was a very quiet guy and Raye had only met him a handful of times. They rarely spoke to each other but it wasn't anything bad in her eyes, she simply realized that Craig was a man of few words and enjoyed his own space and she respected that.

Behind, he followed her into the living room where he looked around for a few good seconds before taking a seat on the leather couch.

"Can I get you anything, some water, soda, beer?"

"Uh yeah, a beer thanks."

Shuffling off to the kitchen, Raye went through the fridge and snagged a can of beer before heading back to Craig.
He took the drink silently and then snapped the lid, gulping it for a few seconds loudly.

"How have you been?" She finally broke the silence and the guy sitting across from her with his left ear pierced with a few tattoos on his hands looked up at her almost timidly.

"I've been aight," Craig lied, chuckling softly. He noticed the way the girl in front of him stared and he knew she had a notion of what was up. He wouldn't be able to hide his true intentions for long.

"How's Brie and yourself?"

"We're good, can't complain at all."

"Good to know you're making her happy and likewise," Craig replied staring at the floor and instantly Raye's intuition told her something was terribly wrong. More than a lot of times her gut feeling was right, and she'd always heeded its silent words.
Craig was either in trouble with the law or needed money, she knew his look all too well.

"You mentioned that you came by to see me, is there something you need my help with?" She wasted no time to ask and he sighed, running his calloused hand over his neatly trimmed head.

"Yeah, I need your help. I'm in trouble Raye." He admits quickly and she sat back into her seat, her assertive and articulate mood stepped in, along with stone-cold expression.

"What did you do?"

Craig took a huge sip from the cold brew, letting it ease down his oesophagus and also wetting his lips before settling his eyes back on Raye.

"I killed a guy and now his people are lookin' for me."

"When and where?" Raye asked, unfazed by what he'd said.

"About a week or two ago, at this little knocked up apartment."

Recalling if she had heard of any murders that happened in the last two weeks or so that would've stuck out, Raye vaguely remembered some of it.

"How long have these guys been after you and how many are they?"

"About three days now and it varies. The first time I realised they were looking for me it was only two of em' now there's four."

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