Ch. Forty- Two

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As predicted, Brie's friends did not take the news of her abduction along with her brother's passing very well. All three of the girl's bawled their eyes out in front of Raye and she did her best to console them even while she was still broken in so many pieces. Christopher held it together rather well but Raye could see it in his dark eyes that he was scared. Hatred for her also showed but she tried to ignore it as best as possible.

She had eventually excused herself to shut away once more, leaving Luca to tend to the girl's peers but Chris tasked himself in barring her from the door. He saw the bags underneath her eyes, the dark circles and the way she seemed thin already. He knew she hadn't slept for a little bit or eaten since she must have learned about the things that troubled them.

"So what?" His tone was harsh. He stood there fixing his face stern enough to intimidate the tall girl but it never worked, she was unaffected. "We'll just sit here and drink tea holding hands singing kumbaya while she's out there?"

"I can't do much right now, I have to act responsibly. I have to wait for a plan, even if there is a solid one it's all up to Quinn on whether or not he wants to set her free."

"Fuck that! We're talking about Brie, Raye. We need to get her back and before he hurts her," his voice trembles and hearing that triggered the girl. She wanted to bawl her eyes out again, in fact, she planned too but he wouldn't move from the door to let her pass. He simply continued to stand there and glare at her with disappointed and scorn.

"C'mon man just talk to me," he pleads, biting his lips to suppress his emotions.

"What do you want me to do huh, what?!" She had snapped. She rose her voice and it caused everyone in the room to flinch. Trisha was scared, praying that the two wouldn't hurt each other because of the way they reacted. It was obvious that Raye was livid because she had squared her shoulders, standing taller instead of slumping her back. Christopher mirrored her in every way, noting that Raye was serious and possibly intended to hurt him.

"It's your fault, I didn't want to say it but it's your fault." He points his finger in her face and she nods, folding her fists by her side. She was tempted to swing at him, thanks to her rage but she behaved, listening to him vent his frustration instead. He was right, it was her fault. "Is there anything else?"

"Yeah. I know Brie loves you and all but I'll fucking kill you if that man hurts her, I don't care. I'm putting a bullet in your head!" He points at her head with his finger and that was the first time anyone in the room had ever seen the two-act like that. It drew the attention of the four individuals. Trisha ran over to subdue her boyfriend, while Luca pulls Raye away. Mia and Ava aided the other two people to put distance between them, saddened that both individuals wanted to kill each other. It shouldn't have come to that, but everyone was tense at this point.

"Fighting amongst ourselves isn't going to bring her back to us," Ava says, shaking her head. She was appalled. If Brienna was there none of them would be acting like that, ever.

"Yeah, well if Raye hadn't trapped her in this shitty excuse for a life she wouldn't have been taken."

"Right, so it's fucking my fault they took her. Even if she wasn't with me anymore they would've found a way to track her down at some point and pull the same stunt."

"Your fault!" The guy exclaimed.

"Stop, " Trish warns Christopher. Her head ached from having learned such a piece of horrible news about her friend. She didn't know Brienna as long as the rest of them but over time the girl had proved to be a very lovely person. She was naturally sweet and thoughtful and to hear that she was kidnapped because of her affiliation to Raye really scared her. What if they needed to be worried too? What if they were going to be targeted like Craig as well? What about her family, were they in danger too?

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