Ch. Forty- Four

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"I don't need money," Quinn replies with the smirk still smothered on his dark red lips. He had sat back into his cosy seat, puffing the thick smoke from the cigarette, shaking his feet which were crossed out of his old habit.

Brienna was confounded at the man, angry even at his capability to be so fickle. Only a few minutes before when they were alone he told her of the thing that he wanted which was money yet he sat there lying to the man's face. She felt like smacking him but wouldn't dare try such a thing.

In her quiet moment during the interaction, the girl yearned for Raye. She missed the comfort of her presence, the tranquillity and love within her smile and the gentleness of her touch. She was convinced she'd experience all of it again. She was much more hopeful now that Carter was there but something in the back of her head nipped. Something felt off and Brie prayed no one was going to get hurt, especially her. She prayed that she'd be able to reunite with everyone she knew and loved but a part of her own consciousness whispered harsher things.

"C'mon son, everyone wants money. A big man like yourself wouldn't want it, but need it."

"Hm," Quinn scoffs, amused by the circumstances. His ego inflated. He felt like a god knowing that he controlled the Italian's actions at the moment. His fingers held the ropes that steered and flounced them around like pathetic puppets and any wrong move could cause him to snip that which held them together. The man sent a tight look over to the metaphorical strings, she sat there as meek as a child and he smiled.

"How much money are we talking about? Word from credible sources says she's worth a lot of bucks." The man makes a popping sound with his mouth, inciting Brienna to flinch. Carter noticed and shook his head at the thought of the younger man enjoying the girl's discomfort.

"How much will settle this whole mess, not just you taking her, but the issue between you and the Italians, they're willing to settle their scores with you?"

"What makes them think any amount of money will discontinue our little rivalry? I actually enjoy it."

"They are not certain but wishful."

"Oh yeah?" Quinn lilted, glancing at Brienna to make sure that she was paying attention."Your little girly friend is willing to pay big money to get you back love," he smirks. "And I like that."

Snapping his head back to Carter, Quinn points his fingers, between them was the half-smoked cigarette. "I want a couple of million dollars, nothing copious. Maybe five or six. I know my lovely friend here is worth far more but I don't want to request something hefty and they can't pay up. This little side piece would be for me." The man says and Brienna really wondered how badly funds were low for Raye and her uncle and why they never told her.

Sure, their businesses were theirs and she'd laid down the rules never to be caught in the mix but she would've sworn Raye would've told her if they weren't doing so well in their criminal endeavours. She knew they weren't broke but Quinn mentioned sabotaging a few of their businesses that generated honest incomes and she wondered if they had overcome the financial setback.

"That can be arranged."

"Good, now leave like a good doggie and fetch the information. Tell them they have three days to come up with my money and I will set the girl free and I might even forget this whole thing."

"Another compromise," Carter says moving from his seat and Quinn rolled his eyes. "What?"

"Let her speak to her family, they're worried sick."

"Settled. Now leave before I change my fucking mind,"

Once the man had gotten up, he spared a moment's glance to Brie and she gave him a tight smile. He had hoped his presence was enough to quell the girl's anxiety for she looked like she needed it but alas, she was still rigid and that was beyond his control. There wasn't much Carter could've done right then so he quietly walks out of the room and the vile man that was left behind whistled.

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