Ch. Twenty- Six

978 59 2

"So she wakes up and the first thing she does is ask you to marry her?"


"Do you hear that babe?" Cassie asks, turning her head so that she could look at Jon who was sat some distance away in the living room, playing a game. He arched a brow, pausing what he did to stare back at her. A grin stretched across his dark face which made Brienna smile to herself. The playful bickering between her sister and her boyfriend was a rather wholesome thing to witness. It reminded her of her own relationship.

"Hear what exactly?" The guy dressed in the black T-shirt and sweatpants questions. The sound of his game continuing filled at a moderate level.

"Raye proposed to Brie the moment she woke up," she says and he laughs after knowing where she going with her statement. "I'm not pressuring you but like, take notes alright,"

Brienna chuckled along with Jon, who simply shook his head before entirely going back to his game.

"But on a more serious note though, how is she?"

"She'll be fine. The doctors said that she was lucky. She could've died Cassie and Raye's so nonchalant about it, it freaking annoys me sometimes."

"It's because she's used it, babe. This is the second time she got shot right?"

"Yes. The first time she was just as lucky and I'm scared. What if one day that luck runs out, what am I to do then?"

"That'll never happen. I'm convinced Raye is a mutant of some sorts." Replied the older girl, causing her sister to laugh. It was good seeing her genuinely smile after the past week or so. Having to see Brie hurt left everyone as equally affected because to them all, despite the age difference she was like a little sister in their eyes— she always needed their protection.

"When are you going to break the news to the rest of your family and friends?" Inquires Jon, his question made Cassie smile.

"As soon as Raye gets out of the hospital. I want us to do it together."

"That's sweet," he replies and she agrees. Her friends were literally going to shit themselves when they found out and she couldn't wait for their reactions.

"I spoke to Craig today, says he wants to be able to start living on his own again but I don't know. That guy that tried to hurt me told Raye that Craig didn't hurt anyone that they knew. They were just using him to get closer to Raye. They were sorta letting her know that they knew who was important to her,"

"Why would they go through all that trouble?" Brienna asks, her dark brows drawn together in confusion. Her sister shrugged because she too didn't know.

"And why would Craig want to do that?" She questions again thinking it was a bit too soon to do such a thing. She knew she'd definitely have to talk to Raye about it. She didn't want her brother being in danger all over again because on his part things were looking up.

"I don't know maybe they were never going to hurt him in the first place, maybe they just wanted to scare him."

"Well, it worked because not only did it scare him, but the rest of us as well. Things are going to get worse Cas and letting Craig go now isn't something they'd do."

"I hope so. I wish this whole thing would just stop."

"Yeah, me too." Says Brie, tracing over some invisible pattern against the surface of the table with the tip of her index finger. "Sometimes, I feel like this whole thing could've been avoided if I weren't with Raye," she confesses.

"Don't even say that just don't." Cassie scolds, eyeing her sister disbelievingly.
"Why would you say that when Raye is the best thing that ever happened to you? I get that you're scared from time to time, but don't say that."

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