Ch. Thirty- One

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The thing that became physically impossible Raye thought whilst Brienna drove them home during the noontime, was keeping her gaze away from her for too long. Every second, minute, hour, whatever time spans that they were together she realized she'd always be staring at the girl. Even in a crowded room where the most important of people dwelled, Raye always enjoyed the woman who had her heart. From her picturesque smile, her supple lips and deep dimples all the way to her short slender body, her ethereal mentality would always capture her attention. It's like she'd struck some magical surface where the most otherworldly thing that was ever found jumped out and clung to her and that beautiful thing turned out to be Brienna.

Eventually, the woman she'd been gazing at swiftly took her eyes away from the road to gaze over to her and it's there that she allowed her lips to stretch into a slow grin.
"What?" Brie questioned, very much aware that Raye had been gazing at her like a lovestruck child who'd gotten the toy they'd incessantly been obsessed with from a commercial. The way her hazel eyes would turn darker in its hue told her so much. There was a cheeky smile that danced across her face and it played a hand in the way her heart had skipped several beats.

"Nothing," Raye lied. She wasn't going to express herself just yet. There was a time reserved specifically for that and she couldn't wait. She'd do the thing she had planned inside her head, the moment she woke up bound to a hospital bed, having survived an execution attempt. The first attempt was not the way she'd ever intended to propose to Brienna.

"You're lying and I could sense it,"

"Can you?" She chuckled.

"Yes, now tell me, I'm dying to know."

"I was just thinking," she begins to say, reaching over and placing her hand onto the right thigh of the girl only to watch her panic for a second. The way her body froze at her touch made Raye chuckle and pull away. Countless times she'd seen and touched that body intimately, yet Brie always reacted like it was the first. "As I was saying. I was just thinking, if we go home and you have anyone jump out of nowhere to surprise me, I'm going to have a heart attack and I'm not joking."

"Why would anyone jump out and surprise you?" Brie tried to play it cool though it was exactly what she'd planned. Raye finally coming home after spending such a dreadful period in the hospital was a big deal and not only for her but to everyone else in their lives. She'd only invited her family and Raye's uncle and two cousins. They were the ones who made it their duties to see to it that the girl was visited and doing well when she was caught up at work, so it was only fair that they earned the first opportunity to see her when she got out.

"I don't know you tell me," she responded with a sly smile. Raye didn't mind the surprise, in fact, she wanted it to happen. She wanted everyone Brienna cared about to be there as she poured her heart out. She knew she should've done it sooner, but the universe gave her a second chance in making it right. And she wasn't going to waste it this time.

For the most part of their ride, they spoke about Raye's experience in the hospital. She had praised Brie for what she did on a daily basis because she knew it was difficult, especially having patients like herself to deal with. The ones who were miserable often wasn't by nature but because of their surrounding. Raye wasn't proud that she was the miserable patient but it was justified over her not being around Brienna 24/7. She would worry too much, and that worry turned to annoyance towards the wrong people.

Pulling up to their apartment building, Brienna watched as Raye exits the car all too smooth and even waited for her to do the same so that they could go inside together.
It felt good on Raye's part seeing her home again. She didn't believe she could ever miss a building so much until she was making her way through every square inch of the complex.
Distracted though, by the sight of her love carefully toying with the keys in the lock, she leans against the frame, observing, waiting. She knew what was there waiting to greet them on the other side and she'd seen Brienna's apologetic smile seconds before the door swung open.

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