Ch. Thirty- Two

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Everyone had stayed long enough, enjoying the simple gathering and the whole time, Brienna kept giving Raye shy glance which she knew the meaning to all too well.
Together, they'd agreed to break the news to their family and friends so that they would know sooner rather than later. Besides Luca and Cassie, no other person in the room knew and while everyone sat within their living room or stood conversating Raye figured that was the time. She'd carefully grabbed Brienna around the waist, pulling her close, gazing into her grey eyes for a moment before softly kissing her lips. It felt good, touching her so intimately and honestly she couldn't wait for everyone to leave so she could have some alone time with the girl— to make up for what she'd missed.

Trisha and Mia had seen them kiss and they oohed and awwed causing the stares of everyone else to shift towards them.
"Go get a room you two," Bran managed to say, chuckling and Raye pulled her lips away from the girl, grinning up at the many eyes.

"Now that we've gotten all of your attention," she said and started leading Brie from around the back of the couch. They'd moved all the way around until they were surrounded by the occupants of the room. They'd all gone quiet, waiting patiently for the two girls to say whatever they needed to say.

From the way she'd imagined, she stood behind Brie, a hand on her waist while the other quickly slipped into her pocket where she'd placed only the ring, discarding the box somewhere the girl wouldn't have found it before the time was right.

"Like Raye said moments ago, there's something we'd like to share," Brienna repeats and she made eye contact with Mia and Trisha, then with her sister who already knew. The two girls stood with wide eyes as they tried to piece together what was about to happen and Trisha seemed to be the only one who caught on fast enough. She bit her lips to contain her excitement.

The moment Brie was about to say it, delaying it no further, she heard Mia gasp, while covering her mouth. Her mother's reaction was quite the same. In fact, all the woman's reaction was the same while the men chuckled and grinned. Finding it weird that they'd all somehow miraculously seem to get what her announcement was about, she turned around to look at Raye and froze.
Kneeling there on one knee with a smile so sweet on her face, Brienna sighed from both shock and adulation.

"What are you doing, I thought you already did this?" She questions softly.

"I did pop the question, yes but not like this," Raye replied softly, surfacing the ring, which she still didn't really look at when putting it away. It was pretty. There was a beautiful piece of diamond being held together in the centre, while around the band were smaller pieces and everyone gasped when they saw it.
Luca really outdid himself she thought, watching as Brienna's jaw dropped to the floor.

"Jesus," she heard her mutter and she laughed, shaking her head just a little.

"Brienna," she begun with a sigh, suddenly consumed by a whirlwind of emotions she wasn't big on displaying for the public. Raye felt her throat tighten and her chest vibrated rapidly from the way her heart pounded within her frame.
Fuck, she really didn't want to start crying now she thought, so she did her best to swallow that type of tearful joy until she was ready for it.

Expectant eyes gleamed at her while she knelt there casually with a ring extended to Brie. Swallowing once more she decided to go on with it.

"I had spent some time wondering when would be the right moment to pop such a question and I think this is it. Within a month it's going to make a year since we've been back together, and honestly, some would say that we were moving too fast but I believe this timing is perfect. I've already seen all there is to know. I don't need to date you for an additional year or two to be certain that I want you as mine, forever. I see that now."

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