Ch. Thirty- Nine

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The whole time, Raye kept dialling Brienna hoping that some miracle could have taken place and she could hear that angelic voice respond. She begged God, someone, she rarely spoke too to deliver her love back to her and safely. She just wanted to see her and hold her but deep down she knew that wasn't going to happen anytime soon or without a fight. Raye didn't want to be the one to spoil her own expectations with her dark thoughts but she already knew what happened. The unanswered calls, no one having a clue where she could be was a clear indicator of what occurred and the girl swore she was going to tear off the limbs of those who touched Brienna. Fury had burned like salt on a wound inside of her being and she knew nothing was going to stop her from raging, not even her uncle or the guys.

She had contacted Charlie to come around and get her after walking a few blocks around their neighbourhood and when the girl arrived, she could see dismay behind her lids and she related to it. "I guess you heard what happened?"

"Luca told me," the younger girl answers, her voice a mere whisper and Raye knew she was deeply affected. Charlie was usually talkative and bubbly but at that moment she seemed depressed. She focused on the road and barely made eye contact.
"What about Brienna?"

"I asked a few of my uncle's men to continue searching for her or the car or something."

"They took her didn't they?"

Raye's anger flared when she heard those words. She felt powerless having to sit there and do nothing to locate Brie. She knew her attempts would be futile but just the thought of her doing something would've left her feeling a bit better. "We don't know that for sure."

"Right! Craig and that guy got hurt and Brie disappears on the same day and you don't know?"

"I'm just trying to look on the positive side. Me harbouring those thoughts in my head won't exactly be the best thing right now." She was right and she knew it. The mere thought of Brie being used as a pawn on Quinn's chest board turned her blood black and her heart to stone. 

"They took her and they shot Craig," Charlie replies starkly and after that, it went silent. Raye kept trying Brienna's phone and ultimately it was switched off. She felt like something had stomped on her chest. Her heart raced manically and her stomach felt tight. Her throat burned and so did her eyes. She was nervous and felt an anxiety attack on the horizon, something she never truly encountered.

"What are you going to tell her family?"

"I-" Raye pauses, contemplating the question. She hadn't thought that through at all. She had no clue what she was going to say to the Paulsons. She really didn't know how to tackle that situation; they'd probably shun her or arrange a hit on her head and she couldn't blame them if they did.

"You don't intend to lie to them, do you?"

"We have to wait a couple of hours before we could make a report that Brienna went missing. I don't want to make any rash decisions and scare them. It's only been two hours since I've been calling her. Maybe she went somewhere on her own, she does that. But to answer your question, no, I don't intend to lie to them."

"But she usually lets you know, right? And why would she do something like this after what happened to you recently? I don't know man, this doesn't look good Raye."

"You're telling me?" Raye answers, biting down on her knuckles. All she could think about was Brienna. Was she safe? Was she hurt? Did anyone touch her? Was she scared? She probably was scared to death Raye thought, clenching her teeth and trying to contain her anger.

"Why exactly is this Quinn guy hellbound on screwing you over?"

"I had his brother killed and a few of his men locked away and wiped off the face of the earth. I only did that because I needed to show him I wasn't the one to mess with. He took some really important people from me too."

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