The Creek

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Chaos erupts in The House. Kids are running out the doors, hiding, even climbing through the broken windows. Alice turns to us. "Follow me," She yells.

I follow Alice out the back door and into the dark forest. She clearly knows where she's going.

We run through the forest, jumping over tree roots and ducking under tree branches. I can't see The House, we're too far into the woods.

Alice stops running and ducks behind a large boulder. I catch up to her and duck down next to her. Only Kai and Lucy crouch down next to us; Alec, Morgan, and Lukas must have went out a different way.

"We can see the house from here, but it's really hard to see us," Alice whispers.

"Why are we hanging around here?" Kai whisper shouts.

"I want to see something," Alice says. She peeks out from behind the boulder.

Kai looks at me. I can tell he's asking me to try and talk some sense into Alice. I shrug and peek around the boulder. Don't get me wrong-I'm terrified. I just want to know what Alice is so curious about.

A group of adults are standing in a clearing in front of the house. They're talking in hushed voices and I can't hear them from where we are hiding.

Slowly, Alice creeps forward, ducking down behind a fallen tree about twenty feet in front of us. Before I know what's happening, I'm crawling up and ducking down next to her.

We're close enough to hear the adults voices. I manage to make out their faces, despite how dark it is. There are two of them, one man and one woman. They are dressed in suits and are clearly important.

"...aren't very loyal," The man says.

"Yes, we'll need to work on that," The woman says.

"Having the house set up here was a great test, good job with that."

Wait, does that mean that The Organization set up The House and let us sneak out? Why would they do that?

"Thank you. It was a lot of work to put together." The woman smiles.

"If we want to stay on schedule we need to start sending out some of the more loyal units to eliminate those in power; the President, vice President, Supreme Court, the Senate."

"I agree. We have waited long enough."

"Once the government is in pieces, we'll be able to gain power over the US."

"And then work toward global domination," The woman says, excitement in her voice.

Alice and I exchange shocked looks. We slowly creep back toward the others.

"Well," Lucy hisses. "What did they say?"

"They were using us," Alice says, almost like she's in a daze. "They're going to try and wipe out the US government, take over the US. Eventually conquer the world."

Lucy sucks in a breath.

"Are you sure you heard them right?" Kai asks me.

I nod. "They don't want to remove bad people from the world, they want to take over the world."

"We have to go," Alice says. "We can't stay here."

"You mean run away?" Kai asks.

"Would you rather help these people take over the world?" Alice asks, a hint of disgust in her voice.

"Good point," Kai says.

"Were are we going to go? We don't even know what city we're in, let alone the state." Lucy asks.

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