Lets go for a swim

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We fly down the road, swerving around cars.

"Have you lost your mind?" Lucy screeches.

"I know what I'm doing," Kai says, narrowly missing a pickup truck.

"You absolutely do NOT!" Lucy yells.

"Guys," Brenna says.

"You're lack of faith in me is insulting,"  Kai says, looking back at Lucy.

"Guys," Brenna says again, louder this time.

"Stop fighting you guys," Alice says.

"GUYS!" Brenna shouts.

"WHAT?!" Kai shouts back.

"LOOK AT THE ROAD!" Brenna roars.

I look at the road in front of us. There's a bridge lifting up so a boat can pass through.

"Hold on," Kai says, speeding up.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Brenna shouts.

The bridge is almost straight up when we start the ascend. I squeeze my eyes shut. We're going to die in an old blue car at the bottom of a river.

I feel a jolt that I assume means we aren't driving on the bridge anymore. I hear screams from behind me.

I open my eyes just as we land on the other side of the bridge. Kai drives down the bridge, laughing.

"That was awesome!" Kai cheers.

"That's one word for it," Lucy says, her voice shaking.

"We'll need to switch cars soon," Alice says.

She's right. There's no way the cops are just gonna give up the chase after we jumped the bridge.

Kai drives around for a few minutes before pulling into some junky diner's parking lot. We jump out of the car. A couple older guys leaning against the building and smoking give us weird looks, but don't say anything.

Brenna surveys the cars, choosing an old Ford truck. She walks over to the car and tries the handle. It's locked.

"Do any of you have some sort of thin metal?" Brenna asks.

 I pull out my dagger. Brenna raises her eyebrows. I'm sure she's wondering what I'm doing with a ten inch dagger.

Brenna takes the dagger and wedges the door open. She climbs in and pulls out a bundle of wires from under the dash, like before.

Alice walks up next to me. "What are we doing?" She asks me.

"Running," I say, a little confused.

"I know, I meant why are we running? Isn't there another option?" 

I'm shocked. Alice was the one that convinced us to run away. Why would she be having second thoughts?

"We're going to stop The Organization. We can't go back there, and we can't just let them take over," I say, trying to ignore the seed of doubt Alice planted in my mind.

"Let's go," Brenna says, jumping down from the truck. She gives me my dagger quickly, like she can't hold it any longer.

"I'm driving," Kai says, jumping into the driver's seat.

"Shotgun," I say, running around to the other side of the truck.

Alice and Brenna climb into the back. Lucy runs over with the snacks we had in our other car and throws them in the trunk. She's about to climb in the truck when she freezes, her eyes locked on something down the road.

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