We're back

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We drive through the day, only stopping at an occasional gas station to refill the gas tank, use the bathroom, and steal more food.

By the time the sun starts to set, I recognize the city we're in: Polson. We came out of the forest here when we were escaping the organization.

Kai pulls the car into a Walgreen's parking lot. 

"We should stock up. Get food and stuff, you know?" Kai says, jumping out of the car.

Lucy glances in the store, then turns to us. "I'm going to go use the bathroom," She says, hurrying into the store.

We walk into Walgreen's. I head over to the food, grabbing a mix of junk food and somewhat healthy food. Alice walks over with a cheap looking backpack.

"Here. Fill this up," Alice says, shoving the backpack into my hands.

I dump the food into the backpack, then look around the store for other stuff we might need.

I pass the medications isle and throw a pack of band aids in, because why not? 

Kai walks over to me. He has a backpack slung over one shoulder. "We're gonna go now. Ready?"

"Yep," I say, zipping up my backpack.

Lucy walks out of the bathroom, looking a little rattled. Alice walks over to her and they start chatting.

Brenna walks over to me and Kai. "Are we going?" 

"You bet," Kai says. 

We try and walk out the door, but one of the store attendants yells at us and runs over.

"What do you kids think you're doing?" The store attendant asks.

"Um, stealing this stuff," Kai says.

Kai pulls his pistol out, holding it so no one else in the store can see it. "And you're going to let us, right buddy?" Kai asks, waving the pistol as a silent threat.

The store attendant swallows. "Come on, kids, I-"

Kai shoots a bullet at the ceiling, cutting the store attendant off. Chaos erupts in the store, people dropping to the ground and throwing their hands over their heads.

We run out of the store and into the car. Kai drives away in the direction of the forest.

"You don't just shoot the ceiling like that. It's a waste of bullets," Alice scolds Kai.


Alice lets out a frustrated sigh and flops back against her seat.

Kai pulls into a parking lot at the edge of the forest. There are a couple cars; people who decided to take a hike.

"You do realize we have no clue where we're going once we get in there, right?" Alice points out as we step out of the car.

"We'll figure it out," Kai says.

At the same time, Lucy says, "I think I remember."

Lucy leads us along the hiking trail for a few minutes before veering off the trail. We walk through the forest in silence. 

Walking through the forest gives me the chills. I don't like the idea of going back to the place that sent people to kill us.

Lucy seems to recognize where we are. She's leading the group as if she's done this a million times before.

The sun starts to set and it becomes hard to see. 

"We should camp here for the night," Kai says.

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