Chapter 8

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My Sworn Loyalty


"Ugh, my head.." Charlie mumbles out as she hung her head low. Coughing could be heard beside her as Charlie and Vaggie looks to their side, Melody had black substance coming out of her lips, her right leg is on the floor as it been chopped off and her horns are showing, even her black and white eyes are glowing dimly as she cough out more black substance, it had a little bit of red in them as it hits the floor.

"Mel!" Charlie squeaks out in worry, the girl unexpectedly jumps in surprise as she turns to Charlie. Her vision is a bit blurry but she could recognise that blonde hair and red cheeks anywhere.

"Oh hey, red-cheeks. Sorry I'm late." She smiles at her, Charlie had a horrified look in her eyes same for Vaggie.

"What the hell did he do to you?" Vaggie asks, she looks down to find that she's actually tied up on a chair too alongside the other two. "What the hell?" She breathes out.

"Well isn't it obvious?" She chuckles as she coughs a little bit. Vaggie bites down on her bottom lip, "I haven't felt pain in such a long time. I think I'm losing my sanity a little." She grins up at the two, she sure did. Even in that kind of situation, she's grinning and chuckling. It's so unlike when she's fine, so blank yet so just gentle and caring. "But I don't fucking know what this asshole wants from me." She says, looking away to the door that's in the room. "Where's The Deceiver he say, like hell I kno-" before she could finish her words, she cough up again as she spits out more black substance; lowly cussing under her breath.

"Seems like you're doing well." A man's voice calls out from in front of them, Charlie and Vaggie looks up and glares at him. Melody hung her head low and stays quiet, the only thing that could be heard from her is her ragged heavy breath. "Well, your friend really have bought me new toys to play with." He snickers as he turns to Vaggie and Charlie. "I'm sure it'll take them a long time to get out of that maze I created." He adds as he walks up to Charlie, looking down at her. Vaggie immediately struggles in her chains as her chair rock back and forth,

"Don't you fucking dare." Vaggie cuss out as Charlie stare up at him with a little bit of fear visible in her eyes. Johnny turns to Vaggie and smiles,

"Why not? Isn't she the princess of hell? I'm sure nobody really cares if she's off dead, she's a failure." He lowers his voice on the last sentence, making Charlie bite down on her bottom lip. Vaggie struggles again as she cuss in his face only for him to chuckle in amusement, "Lucifer wouldn't min—" he reaches out to touch Charlie but stops as something flies through and breaks through the walls. Something in a blur of black flew and almost hit him in a few inches away as it gets stuck in the wall.

He backs away, gasping as he turns his head to the wall. It's a black lace umbrella, if he hadn't backed up in time — that sharp end of the umbrella would've pierced through his skull. Johnny grits his teeth as he turns to Melody who still have her head hung low, he walks up to her and pulls her up to face him by her hair. Her face is blank and unmoving as she looks dead into his eyes,

"You fucking bitch!" He cuss out as he pulls his hand back to punch her but couldn't move his hand as someone had grabbed it. The demon turns his head to see a red demon with a big smile on his face.

"My dear fellow, It is quite not nice to hit ladies!" He beamed as he glares at him. Before Johnny could cuss out and hit Alastor — Melody breaks free from the chains as she grabs his throat and jumps on him, slamming the demon on the floor harshly. He coughs as his vision goes blurry, Melody's eyes are bright red in anger as she tighten her grip around his throat, ready to literally snap his neck in half. Even though sinners down here can not die whatsoever unless they are killed by someone who uses an angel's weapon used specially for extermination — the demon under Melody right now would've died and ceased to exist.

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