2 | cinnamon scent

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The dinner was long and suffering. I did my best to look friendly -I guess- though. Sitting between Emily and a certain Jade, I just ended up listening to their conversation, barely answering when they would ask me a question.

"You're not a big talker." Emily pointed out as we were walking back to our respective rooms. Jade left us at some point but I didn't even try to understand where she was heading to.

"Nope. Sorry." I sighed again. I felt bad for her. I was such an awful person.

"That's okay no need to apologize" she kindly said. "See ya tomorrow?"


With a nod she entered her room, leaving me alone with my thoughts in the corridor.

I definitely am going to call Derek.
Already preparing my phone I didn't notice that I wasn't alone anymore until I heard her voice again.

"Oh hey."

She was apparently leaving her room.
Damn hers was really really close than mine. I didn't think that was quite a good thing to be honest.

"Hi again Miss Anderson." I replied, observing her slightly before remembering our conversation from earlier.

Shit. I didn't like the look she was giving me.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"I mean when teachers ask you that kind of things are you even allowed to refuse ?
Knowing that it wasn't a question I nodded.

"Why did you lie? You asked to be alone, didn't you?"

Her voice was sudddenly lower like she felt my fear of somebody coming out of nowhere and hearing that everything I said was a lie.

"Um, yeah I did, you're right. I'm really sorry, I hate having to lie. I swear it's not in my habits, I'm hugely grateful to be here." I apologized realizing that my behaviour may earn me a sanction. What if she expelled me because of that ? I worked too hard the last few years to be expelled so easily. To be expelled at all actually.

Looking into her eyes on the aim to know what she was thinking as she was quiet, I saw this same worried look that I get to see a lot since nine years.
But as we were facing each other, face to face, I remarked the curious shade of her eyes. Looking closely at it I saw a mix of brown, orange and gold. That was a disturbing and magnificient picture at the same time.

"But why did you do it?" she asked me bringing me back to earth. "I haven't been told the reason why you and your father requested that but maybe I could help, somehow?"

I decided not to point out the "father" thing and tried to answer, being totally unable to look at her in the eyes for too long again.

"Thank you really much Miss Anderson, but it's nothing I can't handle myself."

She remained quiet for a while, making me feel horribly nervous.

"Alright. I understand. But please don't forget that you can come and knock on my door whenever you need to, it will always be open for my students. Okay Amanda ?" she sweetly reminded me -for like for fourth time already- making me want to squeeze her hard between my arms.

You're so weird Amanda.

She then gave me one of those kind-hearted and warm grin, but I realised that it was too late. I already had unconsciously hide away that sweet and weird part of me behind my best friend ever; humour.

Without a word, I walked past her on the aim to have access to her room's door, opening it wide so we can see the white walls totally empty.

"What are you doing?" she asked me with this strict teacher tone emphasizing every single word.

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