22 | apology required

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After dinner I stayed with the girls, resting in their rooms so I wouldn't have to join mine. They laughed at me when they discovered I was staying with our teacher, little did they know how I really felt about it.

Looking mindlessly at the two girls, I felt bad for avoiding them so much the last week.

"Okay I'll go take a shower." Announced Cathy before leaving the main room.

"What's wrong?" Kindly questioned me Emily who was now looking at me and had surely seen my long weird stare towards the wall.

I guess I was in a really good mood, or I just really felt bad for them, so I apologized.
"Girls I'm sorry for being really distant sometimes. I honestly don't know how you can still bear me."
They remained silent for a few seconds, looking at me with surprised expressions. I mean, I may never had been that honest with them so I could understand it was a shock.

"We know there are a lot of things you don't say to us. You always look so... hurt. But like, we'll be here no matter what you decide to do, either talk to us or not, we don't want to force you to do things you don't want to." Emily replied after exchanging a look with Jade.

So they realized I was hurt. I thought I was good at hiding it. Or maybe that was just them feeling it, somehow.

I nodded slightly as my arms clenched my legs around me a bit tighter. "Thanks." I muttered, feeling blessed to have them into my life.

Again, like it had become a tradition, a pillow flew directly to my face, making me fall onto the bed I was on out of surprise. "Sorry." Quickly apologized Jade who now looked like a scared child. "I didn't like that face you had."

"I can't change my face you know that?" I retorted, grabbing the pillow under the laugh of Emily.

"No you know what I mean, please don't do that!"She exclaimed, jumping on her feet hoping I wouldn't touch her.
You know what followed, a very childish but funny pillow fight. We were soon joined by the last member of the room. It was such a mess, but I somehow loved it like that and didn't want it any other way.

Our laughter rapidly died though when Miss Anderson decided to enter.
"Sorry to interrupt but there's a curfew, we have to wake up early tomorrow."
The last bit of happiness in my body left only to be replaced by anxiety.
I know I couldn't let myself fall asleep with her in the same room as me.

"Alright." I sighed trying to hide how I was really feeling behind a smile. "See you tomorrow girls."

A serie of goodnights invaded the room right before I left it, avoiding my teacher's gaze.

"Sorry you had to come and search for me."
Oh my god why was I so sorry tonight?

"That's okay, I knew you would be there."

Entering the room followed by her was so freaking weird, like one the weirdest thing ever.

While I was organizing my stuff -honestly only pretending to keep myself busy.- I heard her ask "Did you have a good day?"

Feeling extremely weak after what happened during the day, I decided to allow myself to be nice to her in return. Maybe she'll hate me less when I'll wake her up every single night of the week.
I then remembered those words she told me after our weird pinky promise and repeated earlier.
Did she actually already wake up every night because of me? I hope not otherwise she would really hate me.

"I really did actually. Did you?" I replied, glancing at her as she was also occupying her hands with clothing.

Taken back by my light tone she happily answered with a huge grin "Yeah, I did."

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