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A cigarette dangled from thin pinks lips, grey smoke swirling through the air before it disappeared. Jungkook let out a deep huff as he felt the heat travel through his lungs, probably infecting them for the worst.

The alpha had his foot propped up against the brick wall of the school, students occasionally passing him by.

He was leaning against the left side of the school so he would at least be shielded from most of the judging eyes he daily received. Not many students took the side route and so he was surprised when someone suddenly halted beside him.

"Hello, could you help me?"

The voice was deep and the wording shockingly kind for something that was aimed towards the hated alpha. Jungkook frowned and glanced to the side, not quite believing he was actually being talked to. His eyes widened and his nose picked up on the scent of something sweet and inviting.

A blonde boy was looking up at him, light brown doe eyes blinking when he didn't get a reply. Jungkook studied the omega's appearance. The mole on his face, the strong jaw but the soft jut of his lips.

He watched the boy's face contort into confusion before a small pout was formed onto his lips. He backed away and glanced down, dyed blonde locks now covering his eyes.

Jungkook realized he still hadn't replied to the boy and snapped out of his daze. "I'm sorry, were you talking to me?"

The boy's head snapped back up again, face now crinkled into more confusion, "Why wouldn't I be talking to you?"

The alpha could start a full fletched monologue about a list of reasons why people won't talk to him, but it'd scare the boy off, and he probably wouldn't be finished until tomorrow. Shit, he was staring again, and the boy's cheeks had turned rosy now.

"I hadn't expected it, I'm sorry", Jungkook shook his head to get out of the daze before giving him a tight lipped smile, "What do you want help with?"

It turned out the boy was new in school and indeed an omega. It wasn't hard to guess with the sweet scent lingering around him and the way Jungkook felt comfortable being in his presence. Omegas had that sort of effect on others, if he had been another alpha he'd have tested Jungkook's strength by now.

"My name's Kim Taehyung", the blonde omega smiled as they stepped inside of the school. Jungkook was supposed to lead him towards the office where Taehyung was supposed to get his class schedule. The omega was too caught up in telling Jungkook his life story that he didn't notice the looks they were getting from the students that had gathered in the hallway.

People stepped out of their way, lockers were slammed and conversations fell silent as Jungkook and Taehyung sauntered in the middle of the hallway. The omega moved his hands quite a lot when talking, seemingly so lost into his story, that it made Jungkook let out a small smile as he watched the smaller boy feverishly talk on.

If you asked Jungkook what the story was about, he wouldn't be able to give you a proper answer. The alpha was too focused on watching the nervous students shuffle around them and Taehyung's cute hand movements to pick up on anything that was being said.

He was usually very good at listening to people, because that's all he ever did at school. Since no one ever talked to him he was doomed to listen in on other people's conversations or hear students bad mouth him behind his back, or even in front of his face.

It wasn't going to be surprise to the alpha if Taehyung would never talk to him again after today. He'd hear the stories, he'd get afraid of Jungkook and that would be it. So Jungkook just enjoyed the moment of having someone talk to him, actual words that were directed to him, and it made him smile the brightest he had ever done in school before.

But it was quickly wiped away when the popular crowd found out about a new omega on the school grounds.

"Well, hello there". Sooyun, one of the most loved boys around school appeared by Taehyung's side while two girls appeared by Jungkook's side, both shooting dirty looks at him.

The omega looked surprised by the sudden appearance of three new people but he smiled when they introduced themselves. Of course he had no idea of the discomfort Jungkook was feeling at that moment, and the disgusted looks the three students were throwing at the alpha were hidden from his sight.

"You're new in school right?", Tara asked as her elbow dug into Jungkook's side, making the alpha frown in discomfort. Tara was a beta and one of the only girls in school that wasn't afraid of him. It was obvious she wanted Jungkook gone from their conversation.

It became evident in the way Sooyun began stepping a bit quicker, making Taehyung walk faster as well so Jungkook was now a bit behind him. Tara and the other girl Sophie both pushed him to the side, making him almost crash into someone's locker.

"Stay away", Tara hissed before they caught up with the other two boys and pursued their way to the office.

The alpha was filled with rage but couldn't show it inside of school and especially not with this many students around him watching his every move.

He merely let out a big huff and ripped his gaze away that had been still stuck on the blonde boy and the distance that was growing between them. The omega's deep laugh could be heard and his hand movements were still going strong. It aggravated him that Taehyung's words weren't directed to him anymore.

Without sparing anyone else a glance, and he knew the other students were still staring at him, he stomped off into the direction they had came from. He was sure Taehyung didn't even realize he wasn't following anymore and the thought alone made him grit his teeth in anger. No one ever noticed him and everyone only noticed him when he didn't wanted to be noticed.

He pushed through the crowdy hallway and made way for his first class. It was weird how one meeting could have such an impact on him and it told him just how deprived he had been from social contact.

He had known it wouldn't last but he hadn't thought the happy feeling would be gone so soon.

Excited to start this new story!!!

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