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The alpha let out a sigh, the sound seemingly stemming from a deep place inside. "They are right", he hummed before his eyes ripped themselves from the open book and found Taehyung's gaze.

Taehyung seemed taken aback by the confession, probably having expected Jungkook to deny the rumors. The alpha didn't seem too puzzled by the other students' words and that confused the omega even more. Jungkook sensed his feelings and let out a sigh again.

"I was a monster", he spoke and averted his eyes again.

The blonde furrowed his eyebrows, discontent with the lack of eye contact again. "You speak in past tense".

"That's because I repented for my actions and I'm trying to be better now", Jungkook spoke, hands going under the table to fumble with the end of his hoodie, "Not like the others care about that though".

"Could you tell me what happened?", Taehyung asked. Jungkook glanced to the side to see the omega's eyes trained on the table as he stared holes into the wood.

"What do you want to hear? How I lost control over my wolf the second an omega talked to me?"

At these words the omega looked up again, eyes meeting Jungkook's as the boy was still staring at him. "Is that really what happened?"

"I can't remember exactly what happened", Jungkook said, " One second I was happily talking to her and the other second I had her pinned to the floor, ready to sink my teeth into her neck. I only snapped out of my daze when other students pushed me off and held me down".

He felt something stir deep inside of him when Taehyung kept staring into his eyes. His eyes shifted as if he was trying to find out the truth like it would be reflected into the alpha's eyes.

"Your wolf took over", he stated. It pained Jungkook to see Taehyung's expression fall and disappointment wash onto his face. The only person that was ever nice to him was disappointed in him. It felt horrible to tell him the truth, but it was necessary.

"Several times", Jungkook nodded as he tried swallowing the lump down his throat, "I can't say I never intentionally attacked people".

He saw Taehyung gulp, "Why?"

That was a question Jungkook was used to hear. Students had asked him this, the principal had asked him this, even the police had asked him this. But he never knew the answer. Your wolf doesn't need a right reason to attack, and there are never right reasons to hurt innocent people.

"The reasons are futile. I can't talk my way out of my actions", he merely replied. The omega didn't seem to satisfied with the answer as he leant back against the chair.

"I don't get it. Why does everyone still avoid you when it happened five years ago?", the blonde asked. Taehyung's eyebrows seemed to be permanently furrowed when talking to the alpha. Jungkook wished he could just reach up and smooth the creases away.

Jungkook sighed, "Because no one wants to befriend the monster. Once a monster-"

"-Always a monster", Taehyung finished, "That's ridiculous".

Jungkook shrugged at that, knowing just how ridiculous high schoolers could be but he also understood why everyone avoided him like the plague. His victims carried the wounds of his mistakes and so students were everyday reminded of how badly he had hurt them. Why would anyone take the risk to get close to him?

"What I don't understand is why you're still here talking to me", Jungkook spoke up, dismissing the omega's previous statement.

"Because I think it's ridiculous that you're still held responsible for the actions you did when your young hormonal wolf took over", Taehyung spoke, "You don't look like the type that would just accept his wolf to take over on school grounds and attack people."

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