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Taehyung had been getting really protective ever since he had found Jungkook huddled behind a row of lockers in the changing room. It was a bit strange to see an omega act like a protector, especially when he was trying to protect someone that was labeled as an aggressive wolf.


The said boy looked up from where he was staring down a group of fourteen year olds that had given Jungkook a look that he didn't quite agree with.

"Taehyung, stop scaring a bunch of kids", Jungkook sighed, hand already enclosed around the other's arm to pull him along, "As if they can beat me up".

"They could try", the omega protested and once again threw a filthy glare at the first years. They seemed unbothered by the glare from the omega and it honestly seemed to agitate the blonde. The group of kids scrambled when Jungkook glared over his shoulder at them, and he smirked in satisfaction when they ran off.

Taehyung seemed incredibly proud and started walking along with the other, head held high. "See, you scared them", Jungkook said as he bit back a smile. The omega looked so pleased with himself and it made something bloom inside of his chest.

"Where are we even going?", the older boy asked when they walked through the double doors leading outside, "Don't you have to get back home? Didn't you have a birthday party or something?"

The blonde huffed, making a blonde strand of hair fly from his face. Taehyung's hair had gotten longer, almost growing over his eyes and Jungkook wondered if he should start buying hair clips for him. Imagining it made his heart flutter once again.

"That party can wait", Taehyung spoke, steps growing larger as he tugged the other towards the school gates, "I want to go somewhere with you".

The alpha frowned, feet following the other, "Hey! I promised to take you somewhere on our next date". They took a left turn towards town. Since it was a Friday, many students were headed the same way and Taehyung's glare was back onto anyone that dared looking at them.

"Don't see this as a date then", the blonde mused and started walking even faster.

Discussing with the omega was impossible sometimes.

"My cousin is visiting us because of my sister's birthday party and apparently he went into town yesterday and found this amazing new cake shop that sells incredibly pastries and such", Taehyung began as they passed numerous students, "So I want to try it  outwith you".

"Taehyung-", Jungkook faltered in his step. He tried reasoning not to go there. He didn't have the kind of money to pay for that kind of expensive treats.

The omega already figured that much though because he immediately cut the other off with a shake of the head, "Nope, you're not paying. I took you on a date last week without having paid anything so let me pay this at least".

"It's not necessary", the raven haired boy retorted. He stopped in his tracks, ready to turn back around, but fingers wrapping itself around his wrist stopped him.

Taehyung huffed, "It is. I'm taking you there so I'm paying for you".

"I'm not a charity case, you know", he snapped, suddenly agitation fueled his body as several students passed by them, eyes boring into his body. Was he causing a scene, being like this?

Taehyung's face fell but it was hidden behind Jungkook's back that was already turned, ready to head home, "Of course I know that. Do you really think I see you as one?"

Jungkook faltered for a moment. "I don't know... You already bring me food every lunch".

"Of course I do", Taehyung sighed and tugged at the other's wrist. Jungkook reluctantly turned back around and was met with a small smile, "Do you honestly think I like seeing the boy I'm dating be hungry all the time? Making you happy makes me happy. Besides, my parents have too much money that isn't well spend so I'd rather spend it on you than watch them buy another swimming pool or summer house".

"Are they really that rich?" He suddenly felt even worse about his own family. He really wasn't worthy of Taehyung's affection.

"It doesn't matter", Taehyung shrugged, "Rich parents don't make good parents".

Jungkook's frown deepened, "Aren't they good?" He wasn't sure at what point they had started walking but they were headed towards town again, Jungkook's feet working on autopilot.

"It's alright, it's not like I was raised by a nanny or anything", Taehyung spoke casually with a shrug of his shoulders, "But it's not the same connection you share with your dad".

The alpha shook his head at that, "That's different, we've been through stuff and living together in a caravan really changes your relationship. Besides, things aren't always great between us. Money problems often cause stress and fights".

The omega nodded but kept silent after that. Talking about his family situation had made him fall into his own mind where stress about his own home situation was residing.

Taehyung's parents were on the verge of a divorce and the omega was waiting for it to happen, every day. They didn't live together as lovers anymore, rather as brother and sister. They had gotten too used to each other, didn't even kiss or hug anymore, but rather lived together out of convenience.

That's why he and his siblings were waiting for an announcement to come. Taehyung was the only one still living at home. His older brother and sister had already moved in with their mates and formed a family but since Taehyung much younger than both of them, he was still at home.

"Here it is!"

Taehyung almost dragged the alpha inside and then pushed him down onto a chair. "I'll order for you", the omega smiled and immediately walked up to the counter. Jungkook was surprised by this but reasoned that Taehyung knew his taste in food well enough by now.

He returned with a yellow liquid filled cup and a slice of something creamy. "One fresh banana milk drink", the omega announced as he placed in front of the older boy, "And one tiramisu cake".

"This looks incredible". Jungkook was in awe as he stared at the yellow drink and lifted it up to his mouth. He sniffed the drink before taking a tentative sip. The omega giggled at the twinkle that had appeared in the other's eyes, almost look starstruck.

"I know right", Taehyung grinned, "My cousin wasn't lying when she told me about this place". He finally sat down as well and watched how Jungkook gobbled up the food in front of him, looking like he hadn't eaten in days.

"Did I get your order right?", he asked after beginning to take a bite out of his own apple pie. He had his head resting on his hand as he watched the other enjoy the food. Taehyung knew that food was something Jungkook overly enjoyed, probably because he lacked it most of the time.

At home people didn't seem to enjoy food enough and only saw it as fuel to keep going through the day. So it was nice to meet someone that appreciated something good when it was handed to him.

"Yes, I love it", Jungkook replied and finally looked back up, cheeks round by all the food that was stuffed inside.

Taehyung chuckled and reached his hand over the table, squishing one of the filled cheeks, "You're so cute. Just like a hamster".

Jungkook quickly swallowed down the food inside of his mouth and his cheeks got the color of a tomato. "Shut up", he mumbled before he went back to his cake.

Taehyung loved days like these. Days were nothing bad had happened to Jungkook. Days where he could act like the big innocent child he actually was. Days where it was just the two of them.

So so so so so cute uwu

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