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It was the second day of school and Jungkook hadn't seen Taehyung since that class they had shared the day before. He wondered if they only shared History class together but was proven wrong when the omega appeared in his Biology class as well.

The omega sat in the front with Yoosun, a boy that was on the football team and a member of the popular crowd. Jungkook huffed as he saw the two of them laugh together.

It wasn't a surprise to him to see that the omega had been accepted in the popular group from day one. But it did sting to see him get along with people that hated his guts.

Class went on with Jungkook's eyes constantly drifting from the blackboard to the boy sitting two seats in front of him. It was hard not to stare at him since the blonde locks stood out from the other black and brown hair colors that were in the room.

Jungkook noticed how Taehyung dropped his pencil onto the floor and had to look back to pick it up, causing their eyes to meet. The alpha's first instinct was to glance away, panicked about being caught staring, but he was confused when he could still feel Taehyung's eyes on him even when he looked away. So the alpha glanced back and their eyes met again, the omega now sporting a friendly smile.

It confused Jungkook. Naturally, the omega should have heard the stories about Jungkook by now. So why was he still being so nice?

Lunch break came around and Jungkook found himself sitting in the library once again, this time focused on a historical book. Halfway into the story he was interrupted by the chair beside him suddenly scraping backwards. The alpha's head snapped up and his eyes widened when he saw the omega smile down at him.

"Hi, can I take a seat?", Taehyung whispered and the only thing Jungkook could do was nod, because really, who would be able to deny a request coming from such a cute thing as him?

Jungkook had no idea why the omega was in the library, during lunch break, but he tried playing it off as a coincidence. Maybe Taehyung wanted to catch up on studying (even if it was only the second day of school) or maybe he didn't want to sit in a crowded cafeteria.

He just had to remind himself that under no circumstances Taehyung was there to see him. Because why would he?

"I was looking for you", the omega whispered so he wouldn't disturb the peaceful atmosphere in the library, "They told me I'd find you here".

Oh shit, he was here because of Jungkook.

"I'm always here", the alpha mumbled back, eyes now again trained onto the book in front of him. His head was a mess at that moment, his brain trying to find reasons as to why Taehyung was sitting next to him. Surely he had heard the things he had done?

"I wanted to ask you something", the deep voice of the omega spoke up. Jungkook could see his tan hands folding together onto the table and he noticed a dark red bracelet dangling from his right wrist.

Jungkook wondered if the omega was able to hear his heartbeat pick up pace and silently prayed that it was true that omegas didn't have honed senses like alphas.

"What is it?" His voice came out gruff and strained and he hoped it got the message across. What message? He wasn't sure himself, but he knew he didn't want to have this conversation with an omega in his safe space that was the library.

"Why did you disappear yesterday when we first met?"

It dawned on Jungkook that the omega had noticed about him disappearing on their way to the office. His heart swelled at the thought. "I didn't think you notice", he mumbled out, voice now gone soft and surprised.

He saw Taehyung glance at him, the brown curious eyes raking over his face until they settled onto the book he had been reading. The blonde seemed to read the first words and then hummed in acknowledgement before beginning to speak again. "I asked the others where you had gone to but they just gave me shrugs in reply".

Jungkook didn't say anything at that because it was pointless to tell him the truth anyway.

"And another thing I wanted to ask", Taehyung proceeded, body now turning towards Jungkook, "I asked about you in the cafeteria today because I didn't see you there".

"I'm always here", Jungkook shrugged and the omega hummed at that.

"Yeah, you said that already. I asked the others why that was and they told me some weird stuff".

And there it was, Jungkook thought. Taehyung had heard the truth. But if that was the case. Then why was he still talking to him?

"Do you guys know where Jungkook is?"

The group at the table fell silent, each and every one of the students around him was staring now at him in silence. After some moments Sooyun cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention.

"I think it's best if you don't speak to him again Taehyung", the quarterback said, making the blonde furrow his eyebrows at the odd request. The others noticed his confusion and so Tara spoke up.

"He's dangerous to be around", she said, "He's had anger issues ever since middle school".

The others around the table hummed in agreement at that and Taehyung was still left with a confused feeling. "He got aggressive one day during recess", Yoosun spoke as he bit a piece off his sandwich, "He attacked a girl, an omega, and almost marked her".

"He didn't succeed, luckily, but she still wears the scar of that day", Sophie said before pointing her thumb backwards to a table in the back. There was a group of girls sitting around the table and Taehyung's eyes widened when he saw the gash on the side of her face. It was obvious it had been made by claws.

"So you best not interact with him", Sooyun explained once he noticed Taehyung freezing when seeing the scar, "We don't know if he'll ever do it again".

"And it's not like he only attacks omegas", Tara added, "He got into fights with others in school, out of random, and he always left them bleeding".

Another girl that he forgot the name of nodded, "He's a monster".

Taehyung couldn't understand what he was hearing. Jungkook didn't look anything like the monster they made him out to be.

He needed to go to the source and ask for clarity.

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