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Namjoon went into full panic mode once Jungkook made it to the caravan with a weakened omega in his arms. He had thrown the door open and ushered them inside, face pale as his gaze fell on the teeth mark. Jungkook had been instructed to lie Taehyung down onto the bed while he went to search for the med kit.

Jungkook carefully lowered the blonde down onto the mattress and gave a small smile as he made eye contact with the omega. Taehyung winced once his head hit the pillow, his neck aching from the mark but tried to smile back nonetheless. He didn't want to worry the alpha, it seemed, but it was hard not to worry Jungkook when there was a bleeding bite mark prominent on his shoulder.

Namjoon was busy searching for the first aid kit underneath the bed, his legs sticking out from underneath it as he reached for the kit. "Hold this", he muttered once he was able to snatch the kit and then push into Jungkook's hands.

The alpha stood frozen in the middle of the chaos as he watched his father take things out of the med kit and sat next to the blonde omega. "Taehyung, can you tell me if you're allergic for anything?", Namjoon asked as he began taking disinfectants and wipes.

The boy shook his head but groaned in pain as moving his neck made his wound hurt too much. Namjoon nodded and began applying all sorts of things onto the wound in hopes to stop the bleeding and the pain. Jungkook could only watch how Taehyung's face contorted into pain every time the mark was touched.

"I can't believe someone could do this", the older man muttered as he carefully pressed down onto the wound, soaking up the blood with cotton balls.

Taehyung's eyes were closed as he couldn't bare seeing the cotton balls appearing in his sight, drenched in blood. "I had never expected this to happen", he croaked out and hissed when Namjoon pressed a bit too hard, "I should've been more careful".

"You couldn't have seen this coming Taehyung", Jungkook intervened the second he could hear the other plead guilty for what happened, "It's not your fault".

"Because of my words his alpha got triggered", the omega muttered, eyes opening just to peek at Jungkook's worried face before closing them again, "I angered him".

Namjoon threw the last of the cotton balls into the trash, "What did you say to him?"

It was silent for a moment except for the rummaging in the med kit as the oldest sought for things. Taehyung let out a deep sigh, knowing that the alpha was staring at him with curious eyes, waiting for an answer.

"I told him I could never fall in love with him", the blonde said, "I told him my heart belongs to someone else".

A sharp inhale of breath was heard next to his ear as another gasp was let out in the middle of the caravan. He was glad his eyes were closed as he was already embarrassed enough without seeing their facial expressions.

"It was brave of you to be honest with him". Namjoon was the first one to speak up. He glanced to his son who stood perplexed, cheeks burning bright red. "Not many people would have done the same. He is your true mate but that doesn't mean you are destined to fall in love with him. Sometimes other people cross your path and become destined instead".

Taehyun hummed and could feel his ears tingling with heat. He was glad to hear Namjoon be so truthful. He had expected a far worse reply.

"You also got a great taste, my son is a catch".

The omega's face bloomed red.

"Dad, please shut up", Jungkook muttered. It was the first thing that hadn't clogged up his throat. Every other thing he had wanted to tell Taehyung hadn't been able to slip past his lips. "You're embarrassing him".

"Your face is much redder than his, you know", Namjoon retorted and at that the omega's eyes snapped open.

Taehyung immediately looked at Jungkook, wanting to see the alpha's flustered state. The boy flinched when his eyes met the omega's, cheeks heating up even more. "Don't look at me like that", Jungkook mumbled and he could see the grin spreading out onto the other's lips.

Fortunately for him, Namjoon had started working on the wound again, making Taehyung close his eyes again. "You're adorable", the omega spoke, big smile on his lips though it disappeared when a wave of pain hit him.

"Shut it", Jungkook mumbled, "You're in no state to be flirting with me".

The blonde let out a bright laugh at that, the sound contrasting with the situation he was in, "I am always in a state to flirt with you".

"But please do not flirt with my son when I'm right beside you".

Taehyung's face went back to pink, having forgotten about the boy's father sitting right next to him on the bed. "I'm sorry Mr. Jeon".

The man smiled, "It's alright Taehyung. I'll let it slide since you make him happy".

"Dad, please, just shut up", Jungkook whispered, feeling beyond embarrassed every time his father opened his mouth. Taehyung giggled, a warm feeling spreading in his tummy as he heard how he made Jungkook happy.

"I don't want to burst your bubble", Namjoon spoke once he finished up nursing the wound. He took the first aid kit out of his son's hands and pushed it back underneath the bed. "But what will happen after this?"

Taehyung opened his eyes, blinking as he got used to the light again. He turned his head to peer over at Jungkook, seeing the boy's face fall. "I challenged Sooyun", the young alpha spoke, "We'll meet Sunday".

"This is what I feared", Namjoon nodded, "You are going to fight him". He noticed how the omega next to him tried getting up from the bed and he gently pushed him back down, "You're in no condition to move just yet".

"Jungkook", the blonde protested, "You can't get hurt because of me".

"If we leave the situation as it is now, I'll be hurt anyway", Jungkook replied, "I want to be with you Taehyung and that mark is something that will be a barrier between us forever".

Taehyung shook his head, his voice desperate, "What if he kills you?"

"I'll make sure he won't be able to", the alpha grumbled, "He will get what's coming for him. Attacking and marking an innocent omega is a death penalty, even if it is his true mate".

"I want to be with you as well Jungkook", the blonde spoke, voice gone small, "But I don't want your life depending on it".

Namjoon didn't speak, but knew there was no way to persuade his stubborn son. Once he got something in his head, he would keep going with that thought.

Especially now he had someone to fight for.

Another amazing masterpiece has been drawn! Once again thanks to poisontaeve for being so creative!

Also has anyone noticed how good the song Rewrite The Stars fits this book? I did.

You claim it's not in the cards
Fate is pulling you miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny?

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