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⭒❃.✮:▹ I recommend listening to the song Rewrite The Stars (that's added up here) at the end of the chapter◃:✮.❃⭒

Today was the day Jungkook would be taking Taehyung on a date. It was a cold Saturday evening and it would only be two days until the younger's birthday. The alpha felt queasy about the fact that this could be their last date ever.

He was waiting at the bus stop where Taehyung would be getting off. Then, he'd take him somewhere for dinner with the money he got stuffed underneath the mattress. The streets were dark and the street lanterns casted a warm glow around themselves, making the streets look a bit less lonely.

Since winter was nearing, the nights fell quicker and people didn't get out on the streets after six pm. Not many cars passed by on the street so it was easier to spot the bus moving towards him. A familiar blonde was already standing in front of the door, ready to get out and hug the person waiting for him.

"Jungkookie!", the omega smiled brightly and flung his arms around the older boy. Jungkook still got a warm feeling that fluttered like butterflies in his tummy whenever the boy got excited to see him.

The hug was warm and he could feel Taehyung shaking from the cold against his chest. "Let's go", he smiled at the boy and tugged him along, large hands enveloping his own.

"Where are we going?", the blonde curiously asked as they went into the town's center. His tummy was rumbling since Jungkook had told him not to eat anything for dinner since he'd be taking him out.

"You'll see", the alpha hummed and quickened his pace as he saw the restaurant he ordered at. It looked quite fancy and Taehyung's eyes widened when they stopped in front of the door.

Jungkook noticed the boy's hesitation and turned to him. "Kook-", the omega began, "This restaurant looks very pricy".

"Don't worry", the alpha stated and reached out a hand to push against the door. He could sense that the other was still worrying when they stepped inside but he ignored it as a waiter walked up to him. "Hi, my name's Jeon Jungkook, I ordered about an hour ago".

"Yes sir, I'll go check if your order is ready", the man bowed and turned around, walking into what seemed to be the kitchen.

He could feel Taehyung stare at him and he gave him a raised eyebrow, "What?"

"You ordered beforehand?", the boy asked, clearly confused about the situation.

The alpha hummed and didn't say anything else, not wanting to explain it right now. The waiter soon returned with a plastic bag containing several bags of packed food. He accepted the food and paid for it, ignoring the shocked surprise on Taehyung's face when they walked back out.

"Woah, is the food that cheap?", the omega asked as they walked back towards where they came from. Jungkook snickered and raised the bag he was carrying.

"You have this kind of app that goes against food waste", he explained, "Restaurants and cafes in the neighborhood can place leftover food on the app, selling it for a lower price. Even supermarkets do it, they sell food that will expire soon and sell it at a lower prince. I obviously don't own a phone but a couple in the trailer park does. They order a lot of dinners at restaurants like this and so I did the same".

"So- this is something that they made that wasn't ordered today by customers?", Taehyung questioned, beginning to understand the concept.

Jungkook nodded, "Or a wrong order, I don't really know. But I got us pasta at a decent price".

"That's so cool", the omega spoke out, awe clear in his voice. This made Jungkook grin with pride. "So where are we going now?"

"Well since we can't eat in the restaurant because we got the food at a lower price and my father is at work, I thought we could just eat at my caravan?", the alpha shyly spoke, hoping the location was alright. It maybe wasn't as romantic as Taehyung had hoped for, "If it was summer I would have taken you to the park and it could have been a picnic, but sadly it's freezing cold".

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