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Jungkook huffed as he stared at the tattered costume his father had handed him not even five seconds ago. His dark eyes flitted to the red bowtie draped on the palm of his other hand, the material clearly cheap as it shone in the artificial lighting of the caravan.

"Dad, I told you this already", he sighed and lowered his hands, eyes now boring into his father's. The man was sitting on the edge of their bed, eyebrows raised with curiosity as he tried gauging his son's reaction, "I am not planning on going to that stupid prom".

"But son", Namjoon's eyebrows immediately furrowed together, "This is your last year in school. Surely you wouldn't want to miss it. Won't Taehyung be there as well?"

This dropped his mood even further and Jungkook's body visible stiffened at the mention of the omega. "Dad, he doesn't talk to me anymore", the boy's voice dropped to a mere whisper, "He's with his true mate now".

"That doesn't mean that he stopped caring about you, does it now?", Namjoon spoke, voice unwavering as he stared his son in the eye, "I won't allow you to hide in the corner for the rest of your life, Jungkook".

Jungkook casted his eyes down before slowly bringing them up again. He then spoke in a soft voice, "But what if I like being in the corner?"

"No one actually likes being in the corner", his father retorted, arms now going to cross over his chest, "People just say that so others won't pity them or to comfort themselves".

Namjoon got off the bed and towered over his son, "Now, put this damn suit on and go to that ball".

Jungkook really wanted to go against his father. He wasn't planning on ever going, just so he could see Taehyung slow dance with another man. Though, it had been two weeks ever since Taehyung's birthday, his heart still hurt as if their break up happened just yesterday.

Winter prom was something foreign to Jungkook since the boy never went to any of the school's activities. He had maybe hoped to go to the dance with Taehyung, back when they were dating, but it had been just a fleeting thought and clearly it had been wishful thinking.

Was he really supposed to show up at a ball where everyone hated him and the one person that did not, was his ex? Was he really supposed to appear in that hall, dressed up in a tacky suit, smelling of cheap perfume as everyone around him would stare at him?

"You can't make me", the alpha huffed and stuck his nose in the air, arms crossing over each other to show off his stubbornness.

"Are you really going to be like this?", his father spoke, clearly unamused by his son's behavior. Jungkook knew his efforts were going to turn out to be futile. Even though Namjoon was an omega, he still held a lot of power over his alpha son.

Jungkook smiled, "Yes, if you're going to be like this, I can be like this".

Not even half an hour later he found himself standing inside the school's PE hall that was crowded with students. The dance floor was lit up with various colors stemming from the disco ball reflecting the different kinds of spots. Jungkook stood against a wall, trying to blend in with the interior and hoping to avoid judging stares.

In one hand he was carrying a cup filled with some kind of punch that all by all tasted bland. He almost wished there was liquor in it, just so he could drown in his sorrows, but sadly he was wasting himself with some plain grape juice.

Min Yoongi stood on the other side of the dance floor, back also against the wall and one leg propped up against it as well. His dark suit was in stark contrast with his snow colored hair and Jungkook had to snort at it when the two looked at each other.

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