8. Dance of Amendments

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The estate was then a great resort filled with men, women, and children aboard. They have dipped, swimming and laughing that I smiled at them though deep inside I still felt remorseful. While strolling along the way a beautiful blond woman approached me.

"I'm Astrid, we're from the same village. You don't know me but I heard a lot about you since you were a kid." The blond woman led me to a chair as we acquainted each other. I told her what happened to me and she sadly shakes her head.

"Hey, how about you? Why are you here and why didn't I hear anything about you?" I can see the dread in her expression as she looks away watching the people in the pool.

"I was eighteen when I was betrothed to my father's friend. I also ran away and it's been five years since it happened. Who would want to marry a man who's older than your father? Damn! They're so nasty." She shakes her head and we change the topic.

After a while she taught me how to parkour. We started hiding, sliding, and jumping out like crazy. The canals, slides and even roofs until it's already dark and we fell asleep while the pools were glowing with the glowing lights of flowers. Meanwhile a big mole came pushing at my feet.

I woke up and got really frightened but Astrid said it was harmless. She walked away leading the mole toward the pool and it was already gone when I joined her sink in and the water's cool. "I'm sorry about your friend. I'm just surprised." I explained and she grins like she forgave me with the reaction I made a while ago. "Huh?" At a distance I noticed men were coming. Astrid and I won't abdicate.

We tried to run but there were more of them in front of us. "Those flowers are magical. Try to grab u bunch. Maybe it can help." She points at the glowing flowers so I grabbed a bunch that looked like light bulbs. I told her to follow my lead and they watched me as I floated away, the only one left was Astrid.

She grabbed some flowers and floated to follow me. "Huh?" The stems pricked my hand and stained with unexplainable soot. I nearly lose hold but I persistently ignore the pain. We'd gone far enough when I spotted someone below us so I let go of the flowers to jump down on the roof and went near the man. "Hey, please help us!" Thieves appeared and waved their hands.

"Come with us! We hide under the sewers. No one will be following you there." They led the way and we followed after. Though trusting strangers might be a bad idea but we're desperate to escape specially Astrid whom I ruined its serene.

"I'm sorry, Astrid. I shouldn't have involved you." I glanced at her and she looked away controlling her anger. I understand how bad she felt. Marrying an old man is a nightmare.

"We're not yet there. Let's take a rest for a while before proceeding." We sit on dry spaces to rest and begin asking what we're running from.

"There are men who are after us. My friend and I got involved with our parents' debt and they're now in captivity." What a great liar. I don't usually do this but our situation is really bad.

We all slide down beneath the sewer until we've gone further. They stopped us on another spot where the sewer has no cover l. The sun is already rising but my heart is sinking. "Here, wear this." They gave us slippers for sliding. Astrid and I hold on the slippers and thank them.


"Ah!" Astrid and I screamed when suddenly our perpetrators jumped on us and covered our heads with something. I lost consciousness same as the hope I was holding on.

'It's too late! I'm doomed!'

'It's too late! I'm doomed!'

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