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I meet Amber back in her room, she looks better then before and she smiles when I come in "Get ready?"

"Where we going?" She asks me.

"Church" I tell her.

I help her get up and she puts on a summer dress, I give her some flats then bring her to my room.

I go into my closet and put on black jeans, white lacy top and a black blazer over it. I look over at Amber while I put on my shoes.

"I need to tell you about yesterday" I say.

"Me too"

"Shank and I were getting followed and then he started shooting the other car up through my window. He killed 3 men and I watched him, he then shot one of his men in the arm

"Because they wasn't in position. The scary part about it was, that I wasn't scared" I tell her.

She pulls her hair out her face "Well you know Liam?" I nod "we kissed yesterday at the hospital" she continues.

"Kiss? Just kiss?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Okay we kinda made out" she giggles "he's actually pretty sweet, you know, under that bad guy act" she smiles.

A nock comes at the door and before I can go to open it Shank comes in. His eyes make their way up and down my body and I lick my lips out of impulse.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Church" I tell him.


"Yeah" I nod "We're going to be late so excuse me" I say as Amber wobbles over.

"Don't you need a ride?" He asks.

"I'll call a cab" I say back.

"I'll take you" he says following us to the elevator.

"No really" I insist "I'm sure your a busy man"

"I wasn't asking" he gives me a cold look. We get into the elevator and Shank and I go to the back.

I feel his gaze on me so I look up at him, I watch his glare turn cold and I feel mine do the same. I look away.

We get in the car and I give him the address and he drives us there. "I'll be out in a minute" I tell Amber and she gets out.

I look up at Shank. He puts his hand on my face and pulls me into a kiss. I close my eyes and take in his warm embrace.

He pulls away with his hand still on my face "Your mad at me" he says and our eyes meet.

"I'm mad at myself" I tell him.


"Because I'm not scared of you Shank. I should shiver in fear when your around, but I don't" I look down "you do bad things, I should be sacred" I look back up with a smile.

"But your not?" He asks and I shake my head. He kisses me softly "your gonna be late" he backs away.

I get out the car and go meet Amber at the entrance, I look back and Shanks gone.

We go in church and sit at available seat which is in the middle. I look around and then finally find Jamal and Jesica.

Jamal is wearing a dark blue blazer and his curly hair hang in front of his face. Jamal's mixed with black and white, we don't talk about his father.

His father died in a terrible car crash which is unfortunate and then my mom remarried to my stupid dad.

He smiles when he sees me. Jesica is wearing a blue loose dress and she doesn't look pregnant at all. Her brown skin matches mine.

After the service I go outside to find Shank in his car waiting. I see Jamal and run into his arms hugging him tight "Hey"

"Hey" he says excitedly "I haven't seen you in a while"

"I know...I moved out" I smile down "I live with Amber now...we live in the same apartment building"

"Sounds like you've got it together" he says and I nod "David's back" he says after some silence.

"Dads back home?" I ask.

"No he's just...around" he looks down, Jamal's never liked my dad very much in the first place.

"Is it because moms getting worse?" I ask and the silence he gives me is enough of an answer. Jesica come up to us breaking the tension.

"Hey Cas" she hugs me and I feel her baby bump.

"Hey there" I hug her back "how have you been?"

"Good" she nods and I give her a weak smile. This isn't the reunion I wanted, not like this. Not when moms dying, not while Jes is pregnant and definitely not when dad is 'around'.

"How's school?" I ask.

"I do online school now that I'm...showing" she says and I look up at Jamal, I watch his jaw clench.

"Well that sounds great" I tell her trying to cheer her up.

"I'm having a baby shower slash gender reveal" she brightens up "please come"

"I will, when is it?"

"Next week"

"Amber and I will get you and the baby something" I hug her "I have to go but I'll see you next week"

She hugs me back tightly then let's go, I look up at Jamal then hug him. He hugs me back then I let go this time.

I go up to the car and look back and my broken family, this isn't fair. In the car Amber is already there, I look up at Shank and he starts driving.

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