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I wake up next to Shank and I feel guilty. The feeling doesn't go away for the next three days until it's finally Friday.

At this point I've drowned in my feelings, how can I betray the love of my life? How can I stand in front of him and make him believe that everything's alright?

What the hell is wrong with me?

I lead Shank into Angie's house and go into her office, this is it. "Angie" I say getting her attention, she spins to face us.

"Shank" she smiles and a man separate us, he takes Shank by his arms and I go stand behind Angie.

"Dear Shank" she shakes her head "your pretty stupid when you fall for someone"

"What do you mean?" He acts confused.

"You took my brother, my men and I took your girl" she laughs "the best part is that you didn't see it coming" Shanks eyes land on me looking angry.

I look at him with worried eyes then Angie turns to me "Cassidy" she hands me a gun, my eyes shift form her to the gun.

"Remember he hurt you, he put you through hell" Angie says and I step towards Shank.

"Cassidy" Shank shakes his head "we got over this"

"No, you got over this" I hold the gun out to his chest. "Do it" Angie urges behind me, I reload the gun and shoot.

I don't shoot Shank, I shoot the guy behind him, he drops his body weight echoing the room. I keep my gun pointed at Shank but back away.

I turn to Angie and she smiles at me until she sees Shanks still standing, she looks confused as I go behind my back pulling out another gun this time in her face.

"Your both pretty stupid" I look at both of them "the fiancée that trusted me too much" I turn to Shank "and the enemy who didn't trust me enough" I turn to Angie "right where I wanted you guys"

"This is a misunderstanding" Angie smiles.

"No misunderstanding" I tell her "I'd love to inform you on my plan but I need to leave alive" I smile.

I look over at Shank who is dangerously quiet "turn" I command but he doesn't move "now!" I reload my gun and he turns.

"Move" I tell Angie and she moves slowly towards us, once she's in front of me I hold the guns to the back of their heads "go" I says they move.

They leave and I follow behind them with guns to their heads. As soon as one of Angie's men see us he raises his gun to me "if I get shot my first instinct will be to shoot both your brains out" I press my gun on Angie's head.

"Put your fucking guns down" she sounds annoyed, when no one does so I reload the gun to Angie's head "now!" She orders and they do.

I follow them outside to meet Shanks men and they do the same thing "put your guns down" he says and I don't even have to ask.

"Sir" Liam sounds confused.

"Stand down" Shank repeat and they do. We move to Shanks car "drive" I tell Shank and he gets in the divers seat , I get in the back with Angie my gun still on her head.

"Take me to a high way" I tell him and he starts moving.

"You know the worst thing" Angie brakes the silence by giggling "non of us saw this coming"

"Shut up" I tell her.

"How does it feel Shank?" She ask and I meet his eyes through the rear view mirror "being betrayed by your fiancée" she laughs.

I shoot her in the leg and she screams in agony "eyes on the road" I tell Shank and he looks away.

When we finally get to the high way Angie's bled all on her seat, I open the car door while the car moves "I'm not safe as long as your alive" I tell her.

"Pleasure doing business with you" I push her out, I turn to see her body roll under the car behind us and I shut the door.

I climb into the passenger seat next to Shank "how'd I do?" I smile at him, he looks down at me impressed.


I tell Shank about what Jamal told me and then I stand behind Shank in his office with Liam and three other of his men. "Sir if we attack she'll see it coming" Liam says.

"We can always catch her off guard by going round back" another says.

"I think she'll be expecting that" Shank says.

"I have an idea sir but you might not like it" Liam says.

"Go on"

"We can use Ms. Brown" Liam pauses "Angie will never see that coming, Ms. Brown can pretend to be against you"

I look at Liam a little surprised "Ms. Brown can pretend to have something over your head as she tricks Angie into believing her"

"She'll go in with you and when Angie gives her the gun she'll turn on both of you" one says.

"She can use that to get both of you out there alive, and when she has to come out we'll pretend to aim for her and you tell us to stop" another says.

Shank goes quiet for a second and then turns to me "Shawty?" He says and I look around still a little confused. When the hell did I get dragged into this?

"Okay" I say and they start discussing the details on the back up plan.

End of flashback

"That was amazing" he says.

"I think I need an Oscar" I laugh.

"Yeah" he joins me and we get driving back.

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