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We all wait form Shanks reply and then his secretary comes in "you have a call on line two sir" she tells Shank then walks out.

He picks up the phone "Yes?"

The chocolate guys eyes shift two mine and I quickly break eye contact a little uncomfortable. Shank stands up and leaves the room.

I stand there missing his protection, I feel a little exposed around his men when he's not there. Candy bar eyes me and then Liam clicks getting his attention.

Liam shakes his head no obviously seeing the way he was looking at me. "Your Boss new thing right?" Candy bar asks and I don't respond.

"Cassidy isn't it?" He adds.

"She'll be addressed as Ms. Brown to you" Shank says and we all turn to him.

He sits back down "Who's in the south?" He asks.

Liam names a few names and they keep talk about 'the south' I keep up because it's actually a little fascinating to hear this.

"So your telling me I need to go to the south and observe?" Shank asks.

"Yes sir" Candy bar says, Shank nods and then dismisses them.

"Come here" Shank says and I move in front of him "what do you think?"

"For real?" I ask a little surprised, he nods. "Well this Killian guy seems like he's not doing his job probably and I think you should go observe"

"Come with me" he says.

"I have work" I tell him.

"Don't worry about that"

"As long as I still get paid I can go" I say and he nods. He pulls me in for a kiss and I sit on his leg.

"Sir" Someone knocks and we stop, I get up and stand beside Shank "Come in" he says.

"Your twelve o'clock is ready" his secretary says.

"Bring them in" Shank orders.

Two other men come in and sit down. One eyes gives me a really dirty look and I stare him down. "Problem?" I ask him.

His eyes then shift to Shank them me "Answer the question" Shanks says.

"No" the guy says.

"She'll be addressed as Ms. Brown" Shank says and I can tell he's giving the guy a dark glare by his tone.

"No problem Ms. Brown" the guy says.

The go back to listening to the meeting. Is this a sign that Shank finally trusts me? Or does he just want me here as a distraction of some sort.

My phone rings getting everyone's attention, I laugh nervously and leave picking up the phone "Hey"

"Hey where are you?" Jamal asks on the other end.

"I'm at my boyfriends house" I say "why?"

"David wants to talk to us" his voice drops.

"I can't"

"Come on Cas"

"No" I tell him "I'm not going anywhere near him and neither should you or Jes"

I hear him sigh "Can we meet up then? Where are you imma pick you up"

"No" I say a little too fast "I mean, I'll come to you. Where are you?"

"I'm at home" he says.

"I'll be there" I hang up, I take a second to gather myself before I go back into the meeting.

"That settles it" Shanks says and the men stand and start to leave, I turn and watch them go then look back at Shank.

"I need to go home" I tell him and his eyes go dark.

"Permanently?" He asks.

"No" I step closer "my brother wants to see me" I correct myself and he nods.

"Class and Liam will go with you" he clicks a button and then his secretary comes in "get Class and Liam" he orders.

"I don't need bodyguards" I protest "I can handle myself" he kiss me and I pull him.

"Your mad at me, on my birthday" he gasps making me roll my eyes with a smile. He picks me up and puts me on the table.

I put both hand on the table supporting me for leaning back as he kisses me. A knock comes at the door and we slow down, Shank give me a last peck before telling them to come in.

Class and Liam come in and I get off the table "You guys will escort Ms. Brown to her house. One stays in the car one goes with her. Simple" Shank says.

I leave and look back before going. I follow Class outside knowing that Liam isn't far behind. We reach a black car and I get in the front, Liam gets in the drivers seat.

He drives me to my house and go to the front door, Liam hangs behind me keeping a good distance between us. I ring and my brother answers the door.

I walk in and he lets Liam in too, I go to the living room to find Jes. I smile and go to hug her, I see a figure sitting in a opposite chair. David.

My smile drops and I turn to Jamal, his head hangs not wanting to look at me "What the hell is he doing here?" I ask Jamal.

"He wanted to talk" Jes says.

"Cassidy sit down" David says and I glare at him. I move away form Jes and go to the door, Jamal grabs me trying to stop me.

I stare at him "Let go of me" I get out of him grip and leave. I hear Liam's foot steps behind me and I get in the car. Class is in the drivers seat so Liam gets in at the back.

"Where too?" Class asks.

"We're going back" Liam answers for me, Class gets driving and so enough we're back. I get out and go inside in the direction of Ambers room.

She's in there watching some Tv.

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