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I stay quiet as she approaches me, her eyes pierce mine "Shank took 107 men form me, he killed my brother and one of my sons" she tells me.

"He's a dangerous man" I tell her.

"Join me" she offers "I know that you guys aren't together anymore so he did something wrong. He hurt you, enough pain to drive you away for a year.

"I won't do that to you, my loyalty is like bricks it won't fall. Join your brother, get your revenge on him" she says.

"What do you say? Let's put the past behind us and come with me, you'll be at the top with me and your brother"

I shake my head "You see" I start "the problem with bricks are that with a bomb it can easily come tumbling down"

"With enough motivation you'll throw me under the bus to get what you want. You know I'm not a reliable source" I pause.

"I don't want anything to do with you, or Shank for that matter. Imma put the past behind me and leave it there, I'm done with this shit" I tell her.

She falls silent and backs away "Jamal can drive you home" she says just as Jamal comes in.

I follow him out and then get into his car. "Where too?" He asks.

"Back to the mall" I tell him and he starts his engine. I look up at him and shake my head disappointed.

"You should have joined" he says.

"I don't want to be mean but shut up" I snap at him "you have no idea what you've got yourself into"

"I do" he says.

"No. You think you do" I correct him "when the people around you start to die, it'll hit you"

We drive the rest of the way in silence until we finally reach the mall, I get out and call cab and go home. I see the car in our driveway so I know Ambers home.

"Amber" I shut the door behind me and lock it.

"In here" she says and I make my way to the kitchen. I walk in to find she's not alone, Liam, Class and another guy is there.

"Not even a day" I whisper to myself "you have got to be kidding me" I tell Amber.

I move next to her and then my eyes meet chestnut brown eyes that I recognize. I haven't seen Shank in a little over a year, his hair is grown out revealing his curls.

I get butterflies as he looks at me and then I focus on Amber, I raise my eyebrow at her "He found me" she says.

"No." I state.

"You haven't even heard—"

"Well I've seen enough and my answer is no."

"It's important."

"That's why I'm putting it at the top of my 'I don't give a fuck' list. I said no."

"Please...just listen."

"What do they want" I ask Amber.

"You guys are in danger" Liam speaks up "Angie is after you guys"

"What does she want?" Amber asks.

"An alliance" I say and eyes pin me "she used my brother to lour me in, she hates you" my eyes pin Shanks "she wants revenge" I look away.

"What did she say?" Liam asks.

"She asked me to join her, I told her with the right motivation I'll do it"

"You did what!" Ambers shrieks.

"I'm joking" I smirk "told her I'm not a reliable source and she tried giving me a loyalty speech but I told her I wasn't buying it and she let me go"

"How do we know your not lying?" Class asks.

"I'm not." I tell him "you should be asking why she let me go"

"Sir" Class turns to Shank and I keep my eyes off him.

"We'll offer you shelter for your loyalty" Shank offers.

"I don't want anything form you" I look at him.

"So you'd rather stay here and sleep on the floor?" Liam attacks me.

"I'd sleep on concrete if it meant staying away from him."  They look at each other. "Amber get these men out my house."

"It's in your best interest."

"My best interest has all of you away from me, I don't think we're looking at the same picture here."

"We'll take it" Amber says "thank you" I eye Amber and she drags me into the bathroom "What the hell?" She asks.

"What?" I ask.

"Your being difficult" she snaps at me "You guys have history I get that, but he's offering you protection and if you don't take it Jes is gonna get hurt"

"I don't want anything from him"

She sighs "I'm not saying jump into his arms, just put your pride aside" she says "okay? That's all I'm asking"

"That man broke my heart and used it as a condom to fuck somebody else."

"As soon as Angie is out the picture we could go back to living on our own."

"Thats a lot your asking for" I say and she rolls her eyes "fine" I give in and we leave the bathroom. We follow the guys out and I feel Shanks presence linger behind me.

Amber takes our car with Liam so I'm obligated to either go with Class or Shank. I take my pic and follow Class to his car.

He opens his car and I get in and look up at him as he looks down at me. He obviously wasn't expecting this but I'm serious about staying away from Shank.

He starts his engine and we start driving off, he doesn't look over at me once and I'm kind of grateful. When we reach the mansion it's totally different.

It's the one that I was in a year ago, same location just different. I get out the car and go in following Amber and Liam.

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