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The first day of school was rough

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The first day of school was rough. There wasn't too many stares, but the pain was horrible. My dad took me home after lunch. The rest of the week was similar. Friday was the first day I went to all of my classes.

The weird thing wasn't the random people smiling sympathetically at me. What was unusual was Jasper Hale. Multiple times he helped me stuff my history book in my backpack. It was odd. We've never talked before. But I was grateful for the help and always smiled in thanks.

The next week went better. I was still almost constantly in pain, but it was becoming bearable. My friends helped during lunch. They know I don't want people fussing over me, so they filled our time together with talk about the upcoming events. Even though it's not for another month, Nova couldn't stop talking about the homecoming dance.

"We can get matching dresses!" She squeals to Dani and I. "And you two can wear matching ties!"

Riley and Julian groan and protest immediately. "Uh uh. No way." Julian furiously shakes his head.

"What color would even look good on all three of us?" Dani asks as she eats her raisins.

"Blue." Nova answers. She begins talking about shoes and whether the boys' ties should be solid or patterned.

Glancing at my lunch tray, I realize I forgot to grab a juice carton. When I reach the juices, I send a small smile to Jasper, who happens to be getting an orange.

"Heard you get your stitches out tomorrow." Right, his dad is my doctor.

"Isn't patient confidentiality a thing?" Jasper chuckles deeply. "But, yes." Damn, no more apple juice.

"Are you excited? You can finally stop wearing that sling." It is a bit annoying.

But I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "Doesn't matter. Still can't play volleyball. Probably won't even be able to use this hand for months." I settle for the last grape juice. Not the best, but I'm thirsty.

Jasper smiles apologetically. "Well, I'm sure you'll be spiking that ball in no time." Another voice chimes in. Alice Cullen.

"Yeah, sure." I scoff. Alice is nice, but she's too optimistic for my taste. "I'll see you guys in Pre-calc."


No one is home by the time school gets out. My parents had wanted to stop their weekly overnight dates in Port Angeles when I got hurt, but I convinced them I would be fine.

Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen are getting out of Edward's fancy car by the time I reach my front door. Bella smiles while Edward stares...knowingly? I'm not sure. I wave back to Bella and head inside.

It's nearing seven o'clock when I remember the mail I forgot to bring in. Wrapping a blanket around my shoulders, I slide on some Crocs and go outside. The second I open the door, something is taped to my forehead.

Paul Lahote has wide eyes and an open mouth as he stares at me. Touching my forehead, I pull the yellow sticky note off. He's been leaving them taped on the door ever since we returned from the hospital.

"Hey." His voice is quiet, like he's worried he'll scare me if he talks too loud. Which is fair, because he might. He doesn't seem surprised when I don't respond. His eyes flicker to the sling. "Can-can we talk? Please?" Still, I say nothing. "I am so, so sorry, Caroline. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you." He licks his lips nervously. "It's been killing me, knowing that I-that I did that to you." He points to my arm with tears streaming down his face. "You don't have to forgive me. Just know that I will be forever sorry for hurting you." He stays a minute longer before sighing and walking down the driveway.

"Thank you." He stops in his tracks and turns to me. "I accept your apology, but...but I can't forgive you. At least, not yet." He nods sadly. "Good night."

Magic Shop - Paul Lahote FFWhere stories live. Discover now