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Seven days

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Seven days. It's been seven days since Julian has gone missing. Nothing is the same. I try to focus on school, but he runs through my mind constantly. It's like I can hear him crying out to me, begging me to help him. And I can't do anything.

Chief Swan ruled it as a runaway yesterday. There was no evidence of a struggle, his Jeep is gone, same with his favorite hoodie and a pair of pajamas. It's like he just left. But I know he didn't. Julian is my best friend. I know him better than anyone. He wouldn't just leave without telling me.

My parents don't believe me. They agree with the chief. They've known him for years, he's gone on vacations with us, he was present for my parents vow renewal. How can they think he just ran away?

Two days after Julian disappeared, the Cullen/Hale family returned. According to Paul, Jacob was pissed. Edward was in trouble or something and he begged Isabella not to go save him, but she did.

Now that they're back, I've been retransferred back to Dr. Cullen. I have an appointment with him later this week to see if I need to continue physical therapy.

"Why can't I stay with Dr. Ivan? It's my last appointment." Now that I know he's a vampire, I don't want to be anywhere near him.

Dad sighs as he makes dinner. "Because he's the best. And we won't know until tomorrow if it's your last appointment or not." I give him a pointed look and twirl the stirring spoon between my fingers. "That doesn't mean anything, Line."

I groan and set the spoon aside. "But my hand doesn't even hurt anymore."

"Why don't you want to see Dr. Cullen?" Mom asks. She's sitting at the table looking over her notes from her appointments today.

I try to think of a reason. Can't exactly say it's because he's a bloodsucker. "I just don't see why I should transfer back over. Dr. Ivan is a good doctor."

"And Dr. Cullen is an amazing doctor." From the way dad says it, he doesn't want to discuss it anymore. I'll be seeing Dr. Cullen. Yippee.

"It's been seven days since the disappearance of Julian Brent." My head snaps to the TV. "Just yesterday morning, Forks police ruled Julian as a runaway. It was just last year when Seattle's very own Riley Biers went missing. Since then, there have been eleven other cases of disappearances."

The Tv shuts off.

Now everyone thinks Julian ran away.

Suddenly feeling nauseous, I leave the kitchen and hurry to my room. The window is open. A chill shoots down my spine, goosebumps litter my arms. I never leave my window open. But I shrug it off, maybe I did leave it open. It's starting to get warmer, I was probably sweating earlier today.

I turn the light off and climb into bed, not bothering to change into pajamas. That night, like every night, I dream of Julian.


"My fellow students. We are the future. Anything is possible...if you just believe." Mike grins widely as he finishes, waiting for applause.

His smile falters when Nova scoffs. "That was the cheesiest shit I have ever heard." The other members at the table agree.

Lunch today is different. With the Cullen/Hale family back, they - along with Isabella - have decided to sit at our table. I made sure to scoot my chair as far away from them as possible. Edward shot me a glare when he caught on to what I was doing. I sent him some choice words in my mind. Billy told me some vampires have powers, and Edward can read minds, sneaky little bastard.

"That will be my speech when I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head." Jessica snatches here paper away from Mike. She's the valedictorian. Dani threw a fit when she found out. Her gpa was just .02 lower than Jessica's.

Alice and Jasper suddenly appear at the table, taking seats next to the other bloodsucker. "I'm throwing a party." Eric drops his spork in shock.

"A party? Like, at your house?" Angela stares at the vampires with wide eyes.

Edwards groans loudly when Alice nods. "Another party?"

"It'll be fun."

"That's what you said last time." The bloodsuckers and Isabella seem to be having their own conversation. Something bad definitely happened at the last party they had.

Alice stiffens, her eyes glossing over. Isabella immediately brings up a new subject, directing the attention away from the pixie-like girl. She's having a vision. She can see the future.

"Do we need to bring anything?" Mike asks no one in particular. "Oh! I can bring Cheetos!"

Riley stares blankly at the boy. "Cheetos? To a party? We usually have something at our parties." He motions to Dani, Nova, and I. Mike looks slightly uncomfortable and I can't help the smirk that forms on my lips.

"Don't worry, Mike. It'll be fun." Mike visibly gulps as Nova rests her hand on his.

"Line, you should invite Paul." Dani suggests. "We can finally meet him."

I immediately shake my head. Paul wouldn't dare step foot in their house, and neither will I. "No, Paul's not the party type. We'll probably go to the diner or something."

The other  humans - besides Isabella - groan. "Come on. I hear their house is bigger than those in Port Angeles." I don't miss the smirk that creeps into Jasper's lips.

"I'm sure Caroline and Paul have other things to do." The way Edward says his name has me clenching my jaw. He spits his name out like Paul's the monster, like Edward's better than him.

You think you're so perfect. That you're superior, but you're not. I bet you've killed people, I bet you enjoyed it. You hate the wolves because they make you feel insecure. You think they're monsters. When the truth is you and your family are. You're scared one day Isabella is going to realize that and leave you. She should. It's your fault Victoria's after her. It's all your fault.

Edward suddenly rises from his seat, grabbing Isabella by the hand and dragging her away with him.

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