Thirty Four

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"We need your help

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"We need your help." Jasper and Alice stand behind me as I put away our new shipment of pain medication. "I know you know."

My hand involuntarily shoots out and knocks over a couple bottles of Ibuprofen. From a few aisles away, I hear Dad snort. "Yes, I know." I admit.

"What do we need to do?"

I turn to face the couple, glancing around to make sure we're alone. My voice drops to a whisper. "You need to gather witnesses. Other vampires that will tell the Volturi the child is harmless." Alice nods and scribbles that onto her palm with a pen. "But I don't think that will be enough."

"There's an ancient tribe in Bungko that might be able to help." Jasper says. "Alice and I will leave for there early in the morning. We can ask Sam to cross to the ocean."

"I'll come with. Sam will be more inclined to let you on to their land if I'm there."

Alice nods, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "You can't tell anyone where we're going, Caroline." She pulls out a pager from her handbag and gives it to me. "This is how you can contact us. We'll keep you updated on our location and progress. The Volturi will be here when the snow sticks to the ground. So make sure the others have gathered all the witnesses before then."

"We'll return home to pack and meet at the border at 5." I nod and the couple return the action with small smiles before exiting the store.

True to their word, Alice and Jasper meet me at the border at exactly 5 a.m. Sam arrives not long after in an old Nissan, getting out and keeping a sizable distance between himself and the vampires.

"You got me out here, now what do you want?"

Alice takes a cautioning step forward, being careful not to cross the border. "Jasper and I would like to cross your land to the ocean, if you would allow us."

Seeing his hesitance, I step next to Sam. "They wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important. Please."

Sam sighs before nodding his head. "Make it quick. I don't need the elders chastising me because they saw a vampire in their backyard."

The couple thank him. Alice turns to me and hands me a envelope. "To give to my family." She explains. Nothing more is said before she takes Jasper hand and the two cross the border before disappearing into the trees.

I open the letter and read it. It contains information on what is needed to be done. I can't help but snort at the writing scribbled messily one the bottom left hand corner. My phone number. I put the letter away before giving it to Sam. "I can't give this to the Cullens. They have to come to me."

Sam takes the envelope and shoved it in his pocket. "I'll give it to them after breakfast."


Isabella announces her arrival at my house at exactly 10:26 with three loud knocks.

"You're lucky my mother wasn't home. She would've chewed your ass for being so loud this early on a Sunday morning."

Isabella rolls her eyes. "Why was your number in Alice's note? What do you know about-"

"About the army?" I cut her off. "Everything. And I know you need to follow Alice's letter -which is actually my instructions I gave her- or most of the pack will die, and I'll be damned if they died because of your idiotic decisions."

A tiny head pokes out from behind Isabella's legs, a pair of wide doe eyes staring up at me. "I don't want the pack to die. They're not gonna die, right mommy?"

Isabella glares at me before bending down and picking the small...child-like creature up into her arms. "No, sweetie. Everyone's going to be just fine. Caroline was only talking about a book she read." Isabella turns around so the child faces me. "Sweetie, this is Caroline. She's a friend of Aunt Rosalie." I almost scoff. Rosalie and I might have been close a few months ago, but we're not now. "Caroline, this is Renesmee. My daughter."

As if on cue, Renesmee reaches a hand out towards me. I flinch back when her cool hand touches my cheek, and a swirl of colors fill my mind.

"What the hell was that?" Is all I can manage to get out when the pictures disappear from my vision.

"It's her ability. She can show you all of her memories with a single touch." Isabella explains, brushing the hair out of Renesmee's face. "Will you witness for us? Having a banshee on our side could be very useful if it comes to a fight."

"I know she's not exactly harmful." I admit. Cyhiraeth said the only bad thing Renesmee would bring is the Volturi, so in a sense, she's not the harmful one. "But getting used to the-idea of what she is will take time. You have to understand that my priority is keeping Paul and my friends safe. I don't think I'll ever be able to be okay with this. But I will help. Not for you, but for the safety of my friends."

We love trying to tell the guy you like bout your feelings and then procrastinating doing so cause you don't have the confidence

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