Thirty Nine

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I sit next to Rosalie, talking about all of the places she's lived during her life so far

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I sit next to Rosalie, talking about all of the places she's lived during her life so far. The battle is over, if you can even call it that. Alice's vision had spooked Aro enough that they chose not to retaliate. That and Jasper and Alice did find another half-human half-vampire like Renesmee.

So everything is returning to normal. And not the normal I had grown used to last year. But actually normal. No more newborns trying to kill us, no more fighting with anyone. Normal.

"As morbid as it may seem, I'm really glad you were bit. We never would have become friends if you weren't."

I chuckle at Rosalie, who joins in shortly after. "That does sound morbid. But I'm glad I was, too. I never would've known I was a banshee, I wouldn't have been able to help protect the people." She quirks a brow. "And I'm glad we're friends." I give in.

Paul stands besides Jared, Seth, Jacob, and Quil. The three of them bidding goodbye to Garrett and Kate. "When's the wedding?"

"Next fall." The answer spits out before I can register. But it's true. I've always wanted a fall wedding. "How'd you know?"

Rosalie chuckles. "You look at that boy like I look at Emmett." It's silent for a moment before she speaks again. "I better be a bridesmaid."

"Ooh can I be one, too!" Rosalie and I double over in laughter at Emmett's question. He stares at us with child-like innocence before a large grin covers his face. "But for real."


Needless to say, Emmett did not become a bridesmaid. However, we compromised and he's going to be our flower girl. Or flower man as he says. When he showed up this morning, I was sad yet relieved to see he wasn't in a dress.

"I'm glad it's him." I stare at my father. "I mean. I guess if it had to be someone, he's not the worst." I snort and whack his arm.

Rosalie smiles at me; Nova, Dani, and Kim by her side. "It's time."

The four of them exit first, following Emmett with his large basket of sunflower petals. "Are you ready?" Dad asks me while we wait for our cue.

I throw myself at him, holding him tightly. "Of course. How could I not be when you're with me?" He turns his head away, that's what he does when he doesn't want to cry in front of me.

"Your turn, Line." Alice's voice fills my ears and I tap dad's arm twice with my finger.

The audience rises when we enter. Mom stands at the front next to my grandma Dahlia with tears in her eyes. The pack fill up the majority of the seats - we had wanted a simple wedding. Paul's father sits besides Sam and Emily in the row across from my mom. The Cullens sit behind the pack.

I hardly realize we reached the altar until Paul's warm hands grasp my own.

The ceremony is a blur. I hear everything, repeat the traditional vows to Paul, but it all goes by so fast. The only thing slowing time is Paul's hands on my face  and his lips capturing mine.

"I love you, Paul Lahote."

"I love you, Caroline Lahote."


It's been seventeen years. And every year feels just like the first.

I never would've thought I'd be here today. With everything that happened, Paul and I were lucky to make it out alive.

And though I pray our children will never have to face what we did, I am forever grateful for all that it's brought me.

(Y'all this is so cheesy but I wanted to show pics of their children and I didn't wanna just randomly post the pics so)

The Lahote Kids

Joey King as Mary Elliott Lahote

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Joey King as Mary Elliott Lahote

Thomas Barbusca as Julian Bartholomew Lahote

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Thomas Barbusca as Julian Bartholomew Lahote

Thomas Barbusca as Julian Bartholomew Lahote

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Dafne Keen as Olive Mae Lahote

Ariana Greenblatt as Remi Sue Lahote

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Ariana Greenblatt as Remi Sue Lahote

This story is officially complete! Thank you so much for reading this story! I kinda started it on a whim and never expected people to actually like it, so thank you to everyone!

Magic Shop - Paul Lahote FFWhere stories live. Discover now