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Double update. Don't forget to read the chapter before this.

I was at the Clearwaters when it happened

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I was at the Clearwaters when it happened.

Seth and I were playing some video game - I had been able to hold a controller long enough to actually play and beat him. We were just about to start another round when Leah came barging into the house. She was upset about something. Seth thought he could cheer her up but Leah took his jokes the wrong way. They began arguing.

Sue shouted at them to quit. Harry intervened when they didn't. He had just gotten in the middle of them when I noticed it. Leah's entire body began shaking, steam was rolling off her shoulders. I managed to pull Harry away just in time. Leah shifted. Then Seth shifted.

Then Harry collapsed.

I called 911 while Sue rushed over to him. By the way she broke down over his body I knew calling an ambulance was useless, but I didn't know what else to do.

Leah, still in wolf form, sprinted out of the house. Seth stood in the living room and whined until Sam showed up. Sam wasn't able to convince the young boy to shift back until after the EMT's drove away.

Currently, Seth has locked himself in his room. Embry is the only one he's let in.

The rest of the pack is here, except for one. "Where's Jacob?" I quietly ask Paul.

Paul clenches his jaw in irritation. "Bella went cliff diving by herself. She would've drowned if Jacob hadn't gotten to her in time. He's driving her home now." What an idiot. She's never gone cliff diving and she decides going by herself is smart?

She walks up to us, and I wrap my arms around her. She sighs and then pulls away. "Caroline, would you mind getting Leah? She'll listen to you." Sam tried earlier, but Leah merely growled at him.

I nod and grab a blanket before exiting the house. Leah isn't very far away. I find her hiding behind a bush just fifty yards into the woods. Her wolf is beautiful. Even now as she cowers and whimpers, she radiates power and strength.

"Leah." She flinches at my voice. "Hey, it's alright." She shakes her head and whines. "I know you're scared and upset, but you need to shift back. Your mom needs you, Seth needs you. He's just as confused as you are." She reacts when I mention her little brother and sends a small nod. "Paul told me one time how he shifts back. You have to picture your human form."

It takes a few moments, but when she does she falls into my arms. I drape the blanket over her shoulders and hold her tight.

"It's all my fault." She sobs. "I killed him."

"I killed my cousin." Leah lifts her head and stares at me with blurry eyes. "It was six years ago, we were eleven. His name was Elliot. Every summer, he stayed with my parents and I. One day, we took this old quad my mom got from the junkyard. Elliot was driving. We had only gone two blocks over so neither of us had helmets on. This bug flew into my face and I freaked out. Elliot looked back to check on me and then we crashed into a tree." I pause to take a breath. It's been so long since I've told this story. "You don't recover, not when you're the reason someone doesn't get to see another day. But it gets easier."

"How? How can this possibly get easier?" Leah stands and pulls the blanket tighter against her.

I stand as well. "Because everything happens for a reason. You have to believe that. If you don't, the guilt will eat you alive. You couldn't control when you shifted. Hell, we didn't even know you would. And we weren't expecting Seth to shift for a couple more months. But you did, and your dad died, and I am so sorry. But it is not your fault, and it's not Seth's either." Leah fumbles with her fingers and slowly nods. "Come on, let's get you home."


When I return home, both of my parents are sitting at the kitchen table. They look up when I sit in front of them, their eyes full of unshed tears.

"I'm sorry about Harry. I knew you were friends." I talk softly, knowing my mom has a headache from the way she rubs her temples.

She begins to softly cry and shakes her head. "That's not why we're upset." Dad replies.

"What's wrong?" What else could possibly have happened that they're more upset about that then Harry's death?

Out of all the answers I'm expecting to get, I did not think this would be it. My heart stops. I can actually feel it halt in my chest. Everything around me freezes. No, it's not real. It can't be real. But mom keeps crying, and dad's trying so hard not to join her.

"It's Julian. He's missing."

And that's the end of New Moon.
I'm gonna continue Eclipse on this book so stay tuned.

Also, any suggestions for a new book to write?? Would love your guy's input!

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