Part 15

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After a long and hard crying session in the car they both approached the apartment door entering the place.

"Dad can I stay home from school tomorrow and spend the day with you?" Y/n questioned looking up at Jungkook with her round doe eyes.

"Of course princess" Jungkook chuckled while messing up Y/n's hair, "now go get a shower you stank girl."

Y/n scoffed in disbelief before punching her dad playfully in the shoulder and running off to the bathroom.


It was now around 10:30 at night and the father and daughter were snuggled right up against each other having a movie marathon.

"So how long have you and Hoseok been a thing?" Jungkook asked breaking the once comfortable silence now making it awkward.

"I-I mean we've just been talking but haven't made things official" y/n answered avoiding eye contact with her dad.

"Haven't made things official yet?! But I saw him almost kiss you!" Y/n bursted out laughing at her dads outburst.

"Things have changed with dating since your time dad" with that y/n snuggled into her father once again leaving Jungkook to scoff and cross his arms in disbelief.

"Excuse me miss but exactly how old do you think I am?" Jungkook pouted.

"I don't know dad but can we please go back to watching the movie please" Y/n said forcing her fathers arms back around her small waist.

Jungkook let out a big huff knowing that his daughter won this argument but next time it won't happen again.

It was sometime later before Jungkook noticed the soft snores coming from the small girl beside him. Grabbing the remote to turn off the tv he scooped her up in his arms before laying back down on his back gently rubbing the top of her head and leaving a small kiss.

Jungkook wasn't going to lie and say that his own gesture made him tear up a little bit with the memories of when he first brought her home and how tiny of a baby she was with her little hand barely the same size as his own thumb, the times when he would only speak the word "dada" around her so that would be her first word, watching her stand up on her own, the times where she would cry endlessly at night and he would just lay on his back her head against his chest listening closely to his heart beat, and lastly her first steps.

Jungkook cried like a baby when he watched y/n walk her first 7 steps because at that moment he knew his own little girl was growing up before his eyes, growing up a little too fast for his liking, before you know it Y/n will be waking out of that same door to go to college, move in with her boyfriend, and down the isle where Jungkook will be letting her go to another man forever.

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