Chapter3- The Scream

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"Can't you pee later? We're going to miss the train." said Shawn looking at our train tickets.

"I'll be quick. There's a Starbucks right there, I'll be back wait here."

I ran towards the glass door and opened it. One of the things I hate most about cafés is that the restroom is only for one person at a time. Things are even worse when there's only one for both genders.

I noticed that the door was locked. Even though I usually wait patiently to give the person some privacy, I had to knock this time, rushing the customer out.

A few moments later, the door finally opened. Looking at the beautiful woman in front of me, I froze. Her curly red hair and green eyes were ones I was familiar with, too familiar.

"Melissa?" I whispered in shock.

She looked me up and down and her eyes widened.

"OH MY GOD! Emma is that you?!" she shouted opening her arms to give me a hug.

I nodded and hugged her back while we were both jumping.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you since we were on that flight. I thought you died."

"It's a really long story. Do you by any chance remember what happened after you went to the bathroom?" I wondered.

" Emma are you being serious right now? That's the first thing you're going to say to me after all this time?" she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I know, not the classiest thing to do. Just answer me it's important. When you went to the bathroom in the middle of the flight, do you know what happened afterwards?"

"Uh yeah the weirdest thing ever. Almost everyone was asleep and the waiter kept insisting that I drink coffee. And when I reached our seats you weren't there." She explained as if she were reliving the moment.

What's up with that waiter and coffee?

"Do you remember what he looked like?" I asked, urging her to continue.

"Who? The waiter?"

I nodded and she went on. "Tall white guy. I think he had a nose piercing."

"Emma we're late!" hollered Shawn.

"But I didn't even pee yet!"

"There's a bathroom on the train we have to go."

"Who's that?" asked Melissa pointing at Shawn with her thumb.

"My boyfriend." I sighed.

"OMG you're no longer single YAY YOU! Seriously what else are you hiding from me?" she got all excited but I smiled and ignored her question.

I'm pregnant and I have no clue who the father is. Yay me.

"Listen I got to go ok I'll text you when I get a new phone." I began walking towards the door.

"You're just going to leave? I literally just found out you're alive." she said seeming a bit upset that I was acting cold.

"I have to, I'm sorry." I shouted as Shawn and I exited.

We were running like idiots and everyone was staring at us. Of course being the unfit potato that I am, I had to slow down my pace. Shawn reached the train before me and put our handbags on the sideways, then jogged back my direction.

"Get on." he squatted down.


"Get on!" he repeated.

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