Chapter 33- Confessions

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It's been a month since we've returned from Pengale, and we were finally getting our lives back together. Kind of.

We had been dropped in my front yard, I don't know how long we had been laying unconscious on the ground but when Shawn woke up it was around three in the morning. He woke me up shortly after taking in his surroundings.

As expected, my apartment was filthy, dust making us actually cover our noses and cough just like in the movies. My landlord showed up a week later with a cleaning crew, and froze the second he saw me. Apparently since I inconveniently disappeared, he decided to get the apartment fixed up and offer it to new customers.

After a whole lot of negotiating and made up excuses, he gave us some time to pay up for the last few months' rent and we got to keep living here.

Here I was, sitting in living room waiting for Shawn to finish making lunch. He said it was a surprise but I knew by the smell of it he was making Chinese food.

The doorbell rang, and I was already on my way to open it. Shawn peeked his head through the door nodding at me.

I could spot a figure of a tall person, not even sure whether it was a woman or a man. Whoever they were probably took a wrong turn and showed up at the wrong house.

As I was opening the door ready to tell them to leave, their face froze me in my tracks. My hand subconsciously went over my stomach.

"How did you find me?" I whispered.

He leaned his head back, trying to supress his smile.

"Nice to see you too baby girl." he retorted. "Let me in, will you? I deserve it after all the research I had to do to find you."

Once he noticed I wasn't planning on inviting him in, Kevin pushed past me and entered anyway.

He plopped down on the couch like he owned the place, surfing through the channels. "Coffee, black please."

I raised my brow at him, contemplating what to say. "Get you hairy ass off my couch, and out the door. No offense, although I don't really care if you got all butthurt and took it personal."

While Kevin barely even scoffed, Shawn got out of the kitchen. "Who was it, Em?" his eyes narrowed as they landed on Kevin.

"You got three seconds to explain your presence before I drag you on the ground and throw you out the window." he announced very calmly, though I could tell he was being serious.

He threw the TV remote on the couch next to him. "You two aren't the best at hostility, did you know that? Anyway I'm here to check up on my baby."

"Excuse me?" I stared at him accusingly.

"Oh, not you pretty. I'm talking about the bump in your stomach. Tell me, did he kick yet?"

"No, not yet. And the baby isn't yours. We all heard the words come out of the nurse's mouth." I protested.

"You know what else we all heard?" he chuckled, before his face got all serious again. "Your little plan with lover boy, about telling me the baby was his before the results came out."

At that, my eyes widened. He had heard us. Shit.

I swallowed, trying to regain my poster. Shawn seemed quite shocked as well. Although he was wearing an apron, I noticed him placing both his hands in his pockets.

"Maybe if you weren't such a creep we would've told you the truth. But anyway, this doesn't change anything. The kid could still be mine. And if it turned out to be yours, I'm pretty sure you'd get custody over the child. You know, once the judge finds out you tried to kill the mother."

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