Chapter 26- Final Task

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(Guys I'm so sorry it took me long to update)

"I can't believe this," Caroline sighed, closing her eyes for a moment.

We were back at the palace, and I was in Caroline's room, telling her about everything Luther told me. Well, apart from the part where we were going to kill Rodrick. Shawn followed Nick to his room, hoping to make him feel better.

"I know, it took me a while to process it myself." I replied.
There was a knock on the door and the King's counsellor walked it, with the usual fake smile plastered on his face. "Good evening, princess."

Caroline nodded his way. My eyes soon drifted to the poison in his hand.
"Your medicine, your highness." he gave her the mug.

"Thank you Max, you may leave." she placed it on the table, and gave him a hard stare.
He stood still, and made no move towards the exit.
"Is something wrong?" she asked him innocently.

"No, of course not." he shook his head.
"Then why are you still here?" her tone was firm, and if I didn't know here I would believe her to be intimidating.

He lowered his head and left us, shutting the door behind him.
"I can't believe he has the audacity to come here everyday, with that smug smile on his face and literally give me poison." She scoffed.

"I know, at least now we know." I took the cup and poured the liquid in the sink, then walked back to the room.
"By the way, Luther gave me an antidote, just to get rid of the effect of the poison inside your body." I took it out of my bag and gave it to her."

Shawn's POV

"This is crazy. You can't kill your father Nick." I protested as I watched him sharpen his blade.
"Watch me."

So apparently he wasn't handling the news as good as we thought he was. I expected him to be pissed, but his reaction is way beyond pissed. He's on killer mode.

"Alright dude, drop the f*cking sword and look at me." He completely ignored my presence and the fact that I was talking to him.
"Nicolas!" I shouted as I stood right in front of him.

"What?! What Shawn? What do you want?!" his chest was heaving up and down as his eyes were like daggers cutting right through me.
"I want you to think with your f*cking brain. You can't kill someone just because you're angry. It doesn't work like that Nick." I let out a heavy sigh. I don't want to be yelling at him, he already has a ton to deal with right now.

"Look man, I get it, your dad is an asshole. I don't give a shit whether he dies or not, just not by your hands. Killing him will eat you up on the inside whether you notice it or not. And day by day, the weight of his death will crush you, until you become just like him."

The silence that fell between us was much more relaxing than the constant arguing. It was calm, almost even peaceful. He took a seat on his bed, and ran both hands in his hair.

"I hate him. He made me live my whole life without a mother. He told me some random old man was my father, and that's not even what I'm pissed about the most." he started, a
sad look dimming his bright eyes.

"What's killing me is that he did all of this for a stupid, stupid reason. I never would've challenged Kevin for the throne, I don't even want to rule."
I let out a deep sigh. I'm not used to comforting people, or people comforting me. Even as a kid, my mom would sometimes try to cheer me up with ice cream after she had yelled at me, but that's about it.

"So are you going to confront him, and tell him that you know the truth?" I asked as I took a seat beside him.
He shrugged. "Probably not. He was going to have to tell me anyway, I'll just wait for him to do so. Till then, nothing is going to change." I nodded in understanding and slowly exited his room. I have my own shit to deal with.

I was back in my room, sitting near the open window as I waited for Emma to come out of the shower. A tiny blue bird was flying my way, and then stopped at the edge of the window. It almost looked like some Snow White shit until it dropped a little paper and flew away.
Well I must give that Rodrick guy some credit, he was creative when it came to dropping tasks. I grabbed the paper and unfolded it.  Let's see what he wants this time.

"Meet me at the dungeons in the lowest floor right now. Don't tell anyone about this. You wouldn't want to ruin your final task now would you?"
The bathroom door unlocked and I quickly hid the note in my pants' pockets. Emma stepped out with nothing but a towel.

"Oh my god you startled me. When did you get here?" she clutched the thin fabric closer to her body as she approached me.
"A few minutes ago. I have to go baby I'll see you later." I tried to avoid any conversations with her because I knew that if I stared at her for another moment, I wouldn't be able to control myself.

She frowned at my words and her lips pulled into a small pout. "Where are you going? We literally just came back from Luther's, aren't you tired?"

"I'll be back in a bit, baby." I pressed a quick kiss against her lips, ignoring her questions and retreated towards the door.

The dungeons were three floors down. I descended all of the stairs until I arrived exactly where I had seen Caroline the first time. Standing there, in the dark hallway filled with guards, made me nervous.  I swallowed the fear and kept walking around, searching for the source of my problems; Rodrick.
Speaking of the devil- more like thinking of him-, I found him. Leaning his back on a wall, with his arms crossed over his chest made him look like a high school bully. The look definitely did not suit him.

"There he is, our precious Romeo. For a moment there I thought you weren't coming." he scoffed, taking a step towards me.
What I did was probably stupid, or even beyond stupid, but I did it anyway. I swung my arm at him and landed a punch in the middle of his face.

"What the f*ck man?!" he rubbed his nose trying to ease the pain.
"That's for making me cheat on Emma." I told him.
"All of that for the bitch that dumped you. Looks like somebody is... whipped."
My jaw clenched at the name he used for Emma, how dare he?
"Dumped me? We're still together you know." I corrected him.

He looked taken aback by my words. "Is that so?" he raised his brow but quickly tried to cover his shock. "Interesting..."
"Before we begin the task, how do I leave once I'm done?" I asked, changing the topic.
"The same way Emma did it the first time, you leave the palace and then shout your destination's name. You'll automatically get sent there."

I nodded at him, before asking another question. "So what am I supposed to do?"
An uncomforting smirk appeared on his face, and I wished I could wipe it off, along with his existence really. "You'll see. First, you're going to have to change your outfit, it's hideous. Come with me."

I hesitantly began following him until he led us out of the castle.

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